A Hopkins County Grand Jury during the February session signed approximately 90 indictments naming at least 70 people. Offenses ranged from aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, abandoning or endangerin ga child, assault of a pregnant person, assault on a security officer, and sexual assault of a child to stalking, theft, evading arrest, stolen vehicle, firearm, burglary, controlled substance and felony DWI charges.
In some cases individuals were accused of more than one offense. In other instances more than one individuals was named as participating in the alleged offense.

Indicted on a sexual assault of a child charge was Chasen Lane Beaver. He was arrested Sept. 2 after he “admitted to having sexual intercourse and performing oral sex on” a 16-year-old female on or about July 15, 2020, at a Duckworth Street address, Sulphur Springs Police Det. Sgt. David Gilmore alleged in arrest reports. The 23-year-old Sulphur Springs man was released on a $25,000 bond on the second-degree felony sexual assault of a child charge the next day, according to jail reports.
Janice Leigh Fite was indicted on four counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Also indicted for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon was Curtis Earl Fisher.
Fite was alleged to have gone outside with a handgun to confront the man, his wife and their daughters. She told him she would kill him, then turned to the man’s wife and daughters and threatened them as well, while displaying a handgun and pointing it at the four. Consequently, 56-year-old Sulphur Springs woman was arrested Dec. 20. on four aggravated assault with a deadly weapon charges, deputies alleged in arrest reports.
Fisher is accused of banging on his neighbor’s door, where he stood with an axe handle in the air and moved as if to strike the other man on Dec. 7. When the neighbor closed the door, the 57-year-old Sulphur Springs man allegedly struck the door with the axe handle and shouted about someone being inside of the residence. The resident felt threatened so he called the police, then remained inside until the neighbor left the property, police reported
Fisher allegedly admitted to going to the neighbor’s home with an axe handle in his hands. He claimed he could hear screaming and believed someone named Jennifer needed help. During further conversation with officers, Fisher gave different names for the female he thought was trapped inside of the residence. He also claimed to have received information via text message but said he didn’t have a phone. When asked why he went to his neighbor’s with the axe handle, Fisher said he would have used it as a weapon if the man had approached him, Sulphur Springs Police Officer Nick Floyd alleged in December arrest reports. Fisher was placed into custody and while Floyd confirmed there was no woman in distress in the residence. The resident had been home alone during the altercation with Fisher, according to police.
Reginald Deamon Berry was indicted on an assault on a family or household member with previous convictions charge while Dequarian Terran Pitts was indicted on a family or household member that impeded breathing. Layton Wes Keller was indicted for assault of a pregnant person.
Pitts was arrested Dec. 3 for allegedly grabbing a female by her neck following a verbal altercation, causing her to lose her breath while Pitts was choking her. She was reportedly able to get away from him and ran into another room at a CR 4772 residence. The 21-year-old Sulphur Springs man was arrested at the residence.
Berry was arrested Jan. 22 and has remained in Hopkins County jail on the assault charge as well as a violation of parole warrant. According to jail reports, the 39-year-old also was arrested June 29, 2020 and remained in Hopkins County jail until Sept. 22, 2020 on an assault of a family or household member that impeded breathing and violation of parole warrant.
Keller allegedly pushed down his daughter’s mother and took their daughter from her on Nov. 7 at a rural Sulphur Springs address. When she attempted to call 911, the then 20-year-old Sulphur Springs man attempted to take the phone from her twice, and struck her in the mouth while doing so. She tried to block him from taking the child. He carried the daughter and walked to a relative’s nearby residence. Keller was taken into custody. The deputy wrote in arrest reports that he was then informed the child’s mother is 2 months pregnant.
Johnny Lee Speed was indicted for injury to a child, elderly of disabled person-criminal negligence. Racheall Marie Joslin was indicted for abandoning or endangering a child-criminal negligence.
Speed was accused on Nov. 3 of injuring a teen during an argument. The 38-year-old Pickton man told deputies a 15-year-old with mental disabilities had started a fire on the back part of the property using gas and plastic bottles, and tried to blow up an aerosol can. Two other children, upon returning from the area of the fire, claimed the 15-year-old started the fire on a “back property,” Speed reportedly told deputies. Speed allegedly admitted to becoming agitated due to the danger the teen put himself and other children in. Speed claimed when he went to put the fire out, the 15-year-old ran home, enter the residence and locked the door. Speed attempted to talk to the teen at the door, and eventually the teen opened Speed recounted to deputies. During an argument, the teen allegedly punched the wall next to Speed, who claimed he struck the teen in the face with his hand in the doorway because he thought the teen was trying to hit him, deputies alleged in arrest reports. Speed told deputies he then tried to leave but was confronted by the child again. The teen and Speed “were in each other’s faces,” then the teen pushed him. Speed said he pushed back and walked home, deputies noted in arrest reports.
The teen’s parent and witnesses allegedly told a similar story. They alleged that the 15-year-old had been unsupervised and started the fire. The teen allegedly became scared of getting into trouble for starting the fire and ran to the residence. Witnesses alleged Speed banged on the teen’s front door, trying to confront the youth about the fire. The man and teen reportedly argued when the door was opened. The teen punched the side of the house. Speed allegedly responded by stepping up into the front doorway inside the residence and striking the child in the face. The child allegedly became emotional and stepped outside and began yelling at the man, telling him to go home. Speed and the youth “got into each other’s faces again.” Speed allegedly shoved the teen, causing the child to trip on the bottom of the porch steps and fall, deputies alleged in arrest reports. The 15-year-old allegedly had apparent minor injuries on the face and a small abrasion on one shoulder, consistent with an altercation and face striking the front door during a fall, deputies noted in arrest reports.
Joslin was accused of shaking her baby. Sheriff’s investigators contacted the 23-year-old Sulphur Springs woman on Sept. 2 after receiving the complaint. Joslin allegedly admitted to being frustrated while feeding the baby about a month before and shaking the child twice while at a Helm Lane address. She admitted the baby’s head moved forward, back, forward and back again at the time, the sheriff’s investigators alleged in arrest reports. She was arrested on the charge and remained in jail until her release Sept. 9, 2020 on a $50,000 bond, according to jail reports.
Christopher Shane Ely Jr. was indicted for assault on a security officer, Jakwaviane Kentrail Goodson for assault on a public servant, and Laramie J. Massey assault on a peace officer or judge.
According to police reports, Ely would not leave the hospital and engaged in a physical altercation with the hospital security guard on Nov. 28, 2020. Police reported finding a 23-year-old Ely of Emory in the hospital parking lot engaged in an altercation with a 23-year-old security officer, using vulgar language toward officers and staff at the hospital, in front of other people. The hospital security guard had blood coming from his head, with gauze on it in an attempt to staunch the blood flow. In addition to a head laceration, the guard’s shoulder was also reportedly dislocated in the altercation. Ely was allegedly uncooperative, resisted and refused to follow commands given by officers as they escorted him to a patrol vehicle. Police noted the man, when talking to officers, did not speak clearly, and allegedly admitted to consuming a controlled substance.
Goodson on Sept. 4, 2020, allegedly engaged in a physical altercation with and assaulted a corrections officer at Hopkins County jail, sheriff’s officers alleged in arrest reports. A review of video taken inside the jail at the time of the alleged incident showed the then 23-year-old Sulphur Springs man striking a corrections officer in the face during a physical altercation, a deputy noted in arrest reports.
Massey was reportedly among a group told by police to stop and walk onto the sidewalk in the 200 block of Connally Street on Dec. 9, 2020. Massey allegedly refused and instead began running away from officers. Police alleged the 21-year-old Sulphur Springs man continued to ignore him when he again called out for him to stop. Massey allegedly ran west through a parking lot, turned a corner and stopped. When the officer rounded the corner, Massey reportedly began running east back toward the Connally Street disturbance before stopping suddenly in a parking lot. The officer alleged he tackled Massey to the ground, an action Massey met by swinging his elbow, hitting the officer in the face. Massey was arrested for public intoxication, evading arrest or detention and assault on a public servant.

Rocky Allen Wilson was indicted on a stalking charge. Police were contacted in regard to Rocky Allen Wilson, who was wanted for stalking. Police served Wilson with the warrant at his Hillcrest Drive residence and took him into custody at 4:30 p.m. Dec. 9, 2020. Wilson has remained in Hopkins County jail since his arrest, according to jail Feb. 20, 2021 jail reports.
Indicted for cruelty to non-livestock animals were David Ryan Hayes and Stephen Kyle Mayfield. Hayes was also indicted on an unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon. The two Como men were accused of shooting a dog through the neck and leaving it on the side of County Road 2333 Saturday morning, Dec. 5. During his investigation of the alleged incident, a deputy viewed a video on a surveillance system that showed two men with a black and white dog in a truck minutes before the dog was shot. The passenger was holding the dog in his lap in the video. On Sunday, Dec. 6, the deputy r contacted the man he had seen in the video in the passenger’s seat of the pickup with the dog, identified as 44-year-old David Ryan Hayes of Como.
Hayes allegedly admitted to taking the dog to CR 2333 to get rid of it, then shooting one round out of a revolver in the direction of the dog on the side of CR 2333. Hayes claimed the round he fired did not strike the dog. The other man, identified later Sunday as 48-year-old Stephen Kyle Mayfield of Como, then allegedly took the revolver from Hayes and fired one round from it, striking the dog. Hayes admitted he and Mayfield left the dog in the ditch on the side of the CR 2333, deputies alleged in arrest reports. Both Hayes and Mayfield were arrested Sunday, Dec. 6 and released from jail Monday, Dec. 7, on a $10,000 bond each per charge, according to jail reports.
Indicted for on two theft of firearm charges was Daishawn Jerome Godbolt and on three theft of firearm charges was Rene Perea-Saldana. Daisy Arteaga-Solis was indicted on one theft of a firearm charge and two possession of less than 1 gram of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance.
Arteaga-Solis was reportedly caught May 10 with at least two different kinds of pills, THC oil in a vape device and a handgun in two purses during an Interstate 30 traffic stop for traveling in the left lane and not passing. Deputies reported a strong odor of marijuana emitted from the vehicle as they approached. The 22-year-old Round Rock woman allegedly admitted to having marijuana in her purse. The handgun came back as having been reported to Killeen Police as stolen, according to arrest reports.
Godbolt and Perea-Saldana were arrested Nov. 15, in connection with residential vehicle burglaries and gun thefts. Gobolt was allegedly caught on home surveillance on video in the evening hours Saturday, Nov. 14, entering a vehicle at a residence, then returning to a car they later were told Perea-Saldana was driving. Godbolt was spotted Nov. 15 driving a car that matched that of the suspected and was wearing clothing that matched that of the suspect seen on video . During the investigation, Perea-Saldana was identified as the driver of the car when seen on video. Two firearms and a purse with contents still in it that’s been reportedly stolen were recovered.
Godbolt allegedly involvement only after being presented with evidence admitted to defacing one gun by filing the serial number off of it so the firearm was not discernible, and attempting to do the same with the another firearm reportedly taken during a vehicle burglary. Perea-Saldana also reportedly admitted to involvement in the thefts and vehicle burglary and was also charged on two theft of firearm charges and a burglary of vehicles charge later Nov. 15.
On Nov. 18, a deputy was informed about another firearm allegedly stolen on Nov. 14 from a location from which the other items were allegedly taken.The deputy interviewed Perea-Saldana about the additional information; the 17-year-old provide information resulting in location of the additional firearm. Perea-Saldana was also charged Nov. 18 on an additional theft of firearm charge, according to arrest reports.

Indicted for unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon were Tra Marcel Tolbert-Allen, Lamicha Deshawn Thomas, David Aaron Soto, Courtney Lamont Webster, Sammie Demon Williams, Jana Christine Combs. Soto and Combs were also indicted on a possession of less than 1 gram of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance. Wesley Lane Cedillo and Jerry Dwayne Combs were indicted for theft of a firearm. Samantha Gail Crotzer was indicted for having a prohibited weapon.

Steven Remone Parks was indicted for credit or debit card abuse. He was a passenger in a vehicle stopped by troopers on I-30 for speeding. The passenger, identified in arrest reports as Parks of Jacksonville, Arkansas, had what appeared to be marijuana residue on the front of his hoodie and pants, Ugalde alleged in arrest reports. A probable cause search of the car by Ugalde allegedly revealed a usable amount of suspected marijuana in the passenger’s side door next to where Parks had been sitting. In Parks’ wallet, the trooper reported finding a credit card with someone else’s name on it. He claimed his grandmother gave him the card, but didn’t know what name was on the card.

David Allen Woolverton Jr. and Travis Kyle Kerwin were indicted for failure to comply with sex offender duty to register annually for life.
Indicted for theft of property valued at less than $2,500 with two or more previous convictions were Fred Lindley Jr. and Jamie Lee Lindsay. Nikolaus Kayne Ward was indicted for theft of property valued at $2,500 or more but less than $30,000.
Indicted on felony driving while intoxicated charges were: Christopher Paul Aguilar, Secric Wayne Byrd, Roy Stephen Dyer, Rebekah Lynn Steed and Derek Alan Miner. Aguilar and Steed allegedly had a child younger than 15 years of age in the vehicle at the time. The occasion marked at least the third time Byrd, Dyer and Minor have been arrested for the offense
Xzayveian Dunkail Basham, Anthony Martin Dean Goff, Calvin Clint Chumbley, David MCCoy Chumbley, Wo Lynn McCormick, and Larry Carlton Johnson were all indicted on one count of burglary of a habitation. Calvin Chumbley was also indicted for possession of less than 1 gram of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance. Cole William Peterson, however, was indicted for burglary of a building.
Indicted for evading arrest or detention with a vehicle were Jessica Ashley Mannino, Douglas Paul Merrell, Tyler McMillan, Jildardo Antonio Sanroman, Deante Shelley Wilson and Bobby Lee Wall Jr. Tony Lynn McPherson Jr. was indicted for evading arrest or detention with a previous conviction.
McPherson was also indicted for unauthorized use of a vehicle as were Romance Julius Murphy, Peter Son Bac Nguyen, Lee-Clinton Hobdy.
Megan Wheeler-Bartholomew was indicted for interference with child custody.
Byron Jamison Brown and Isaiah Deonte Bryant-Lacy were indicted for money laundering of $2,500 or more but less than $30,000.
Stephen Anthony Braumuller and Evan Clay Chapin were indicted for manufacture or delivery of a simulated controlled substance or substance represented to be a controlled substance.
Mike Lee Monroe and Israel Monsivais were each indicted for possess on 28 grams or more but less than 200 grams of a Penalty Group 3 controlled substance.
Among the individuals indicted during the February 2021 grand jury session for possession of a Penalty Group 1 controlled substance were:
⦁ Shawn Taylor Byrd – 1 gram or more but less than 4 grams;
⦁ Cheyenne Nicole Carter – less than 1 gram;
⦁ Thomas Harold Carter – less than 1 gram;
⦁ Terri Kay Coplin – 1 gram or more but lesss than 4 grams;
⦁ Melton Medina-Tuirubiates – 1 gram or more but less than 4 grams;
⦁ Breamber Michelle Duncan – less than 1 gram;
⦁ Rebekah Liann Reagan – two counts of less than 1 gram
⦁ Jessie Yocom Martinez – less than 1 gram;
⦁ Richie Wayne Porter – less than 1 gram;
⦁ Kimberley Michelle Rachui – 1 grams or more but less than 4 grams;
⦁ Cecily Elizabeth Saffel – 4 grams or more but less than 200 grams;
⦁ Carrie Elizabeth Vaughan – less than 1 gram; and
⦁ Hannah Rae White – less than 1 grams.