Registration For SSISD’s Two-Way Dual Language Enrichment Program Ongoing Through May 17
Parents who are interested in enrolling their child in next year’s kindergarten two-way dual language program at Sulphur Springs Independent School District have until May 17 to do so. However, early registration is encouraged, not only to help district administrators and staff prepare for the year, but to ensure a spot in the class for qualifying children. The enrichment program is designed to teach children a second language...
SSISD Kindergarten, Two-Way Dual Language Program, Pre-K, Head Start Sign Ups Scheduled
Kindergarten Round-Up and the Sulphur Springs ISD’s 2021-2022 Two-Way Dual Language Program application is in progress. Parents/guardians can apply at kindergarten round-up for the dual language program, and two informational parent meetings about it are scheduled as well. Two-Way Dual Language Program Applications are now available for the SSISD Two-Way Dual Language Program, an enrichment program in which students learn to...
Sulphur Springs ISD New Student, Dual Language Program Registration Begins March 25
Registration For Current Pre-K, Head Start Students Conducted Via Skyward Family Access Sulphur Springs ISD New Student Registration Round-up for kindergarten through third begins March 25 for the 2021-2022 school year. This registration is for new students who did NOT end the 2020-2021 school year in Sulphur Springs ISD. Parents of current pre-kindergarten and Head Start students will complete a Returning Student Registration with...
SSISD Announces June 16 Parent Meeting For Two-Way Dual Language Program
A Sulphur Springs ISD parent meeting for the Two-Way Dual Language Program is scheduled June 16. This is for any parent interested in their child, who will be entering kindergarten in the 2020-2021 school year at SSISD, participate in the SSISD Two-Way Dual Language program. The enrichment program is designed to teach children a second language in a natural way through subject content instruction and everyday classroom conversation....
Sulphur Springs ISD Registration for PK To Grade 3, Two-Way DLE Application Process Begins Today
Sulphur Springs ISD registration for new-to-the district students in pre-kindergarten through third grade, and the application process for the kindergarten Two-Way Dual Language Enrichment Program will be conducted April 20-24. Pre-K through 3rd Grade Registration Registration for new-to-Sulphur Springs ISD kindergarten through third grade students will be conducted from April 20-24. New-to-district kindergarten through third grade...
SSISD Campuses Utilized For Summer Reading, Remediation, Enrichment, Training For Students, Staff
Although summer officially began with the Summer Solstice on Friday, ask any local school children and they’ll tell you summer began nearly a month ago, when regular classes were dismissed. However, while many are enjoying a three month break classes, that doesn’t mean the halls have been empty. Students in need of a little extra help catching up on or making up classes are attending summer school at Sulphur Springs...
Registration For SSISD Dual Language Enrichment Program Ends Friday
Duel Language Enrichment Program students from Travis Primary School perform songs they learned in class during Monday’s Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees meeting. Registration for next year’s kindergartners in Sulphur Springs Independent School District’s Two-Way Dual Language Enrichment Program is ongoing through Friday, May 17. The enrichment program is designed to teach children a second language in a natural...
Sulphur Springs SSISD New Student Registration (K-3rd) Round-up For 2022-2023 Continues
New Student Registration Round-up began March 24 and continues next week for the 2022-2023 school year at Sulphur Springs ISD. SSISD logo This registration is for new students entering kindergarten, first, second or third grade who will NOT end the 2021-2022 school year in Sulphur Springs ISD. The SSISD sting New Student Registration will be conducted in the Board Room inside SSISD Administration Building, 631 Connally St. from 8 a.m....
Sign Up Online For April 5-7, May 5-7 Sulphur Springs ISD New Student Registration For Kindergarten Through Third Grades
Sulphur Springs ISD New Student Registration Round-up will be in held April 5-7 and May 5-7 for students who will be in kindergarten-third grade in the 2020-2021 school year, with online registration for an appointment ongoing. District administrators emphasize this registration is for new students who did not end the 2020-2021 school year in Sulphur Springs ISD. Parents/guardians of current pre-k and Head Start students will complete...
Registration For New-To-SSISD Kindergarten-3rd Grade Students Ongoing
Registration Extended For Kindergarten 2-Way Dual Language Enrichment Program Kindergarten through 3rd grade new student registration is ongoing at Sulphur Springs ISD. This is for new-to-SSISD students only. Parents of students already enrolled in SSISD in pre-kindergarten or Head Start are not required to participate in the Online Round-up, but do need to complete the Returning Student Registration with their family’s Skyward...