Sulphur Springs SSISD New Student Registration (K-3rd) Round-up For 2022-2023 Continues

New Student Registration Round-up began March 24 and continues next week for the 2022-2023 school year at Sulphur Springs ISD.

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This registration is for new students entering kindergarten, first, second or third grade who will NOT end the 2021-2022 school year in Sulphur Springs ISD.

The SSISD sting New Student Registration will be conducted in the Board Room inside SSISD Administration Building, 631 Connally St. from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily April 4-6, 2022 and May 4-6, 2022 with closing hours extended to 6:30p .m. April 6 and May 6.

Administration will be on campus during the new student registration to distribute primary campus assignments based on residency within the school district.

Dual Language Department will be on campus with applications for the 2022-2023 Two-Way Dual Language Enrichment Program on the designated registration days as well.

New to SSISD Pre-Kindergarten and Head Start students must contact Douglass ECLC for registration information.

Current Pre-K and Head Start students will complete Returning Student Registration with their Skyward Family Access account.

How To Register

  1. Make an appointment by clicking the following link:
  2. Only a Parent or Legal Guardian (must have appropriate documents) can enroll a child.
  3. Bring your child with you so that we may administer Universal screening for placement.
  4. Bring all required and/or applicable documents (listed below)
    • Proof of residency within district. Must be one of the following:
      • Current utility bill
      • Current rent, lease agreement or mortgage statement showing name and address of owner
      • Income Tax paperwork
    • Parent or Legal Guardian’s Photo ID
    • Child’s Official Birth Certificate
    • Child’s Social Security Card
    • Child’s up-to-date Immunization Record
    • Doctor’s notes concerning students’ allergy and/or health needs
    • Custodial documents or court orders pertaining to the child, if applicable.
  5. Complete the online registration process via Skyward (our friendly staff will be available to assist those in need or you can go to to complete beforehand)

Author: KSST Contributor

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