New Vice President Elected, Candidate Filing For 2 Seats On Hospital District Board Opens
Bylaws, Tax Abatement Policy Being Reviewed; EMS Positions Available Hopkins County Hospital District Board of Directors elected a new vice president, reviewed bylaws and the district tax abatement policy, received an update on EMS operations and construction progress Tuesday evening. Board Positions Chris Brown HCHD Board member Chris Brown was elected by his fellow board members to serve as vice president. He replaces Dr. William...
Candidate Filing Ends Friday, Feb. 12, For City Council, School Board Elections
Candidate filing ends Friday for a place on the May 1, 2021 municipal and school election ballots, including those for Sulphur Springs and Como City Councils; and Como-Pickton Sulphur Springs and Yantis school boards. Sulphur Springs City Council Candidate filing for a place on the May 1 ballot for four seats on Sulphur Springs City Council will continue through 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 12. On the first day of filing, all four incumbents...
Wright And Dietze Seeking Reelection To Sulphur Springs School Board
Kerry Wright and Jason Dietze filed candidate applications Wednesday morning, the first day of the filing period, seeking a place on the May 1 Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees Election. Incumbents Wright and Dietze are seeking another 3-year term on the school board. Dietze was first elected to the school board in 2009. He was re-elected secretary in 2020. He previously served as vice president and president. Wright...
Wednesday Is Start of Candidate Filing For May 2021 Sulphur Springs, Como-Pickton, Yantis School Board Elections
Wednesday is the start of candidate filing for the May 2021 school board elections in at least three local school districts. Sulphur Springs ISD SSISD logo Sulphur Springs ISD will be accepting applications for two places on the school board May 1 Trustees Election ballot. Currently serving in those seats are Jason Dietze and Kerry Wright. Dietze was first elected to the school board in 2009. He was re-elected secretary in 2020. ...
SSISD School Board Election for May 4, 2024
School Board Election will be held on Saturday, May 4, 2024 Two at-large positions currently held by Jason Dietze and Kerry Wright will be up for election. If you are considering running for the board… Click here for the official application Eligibility QualificationsPolicy BBA(LEGAL) Application Process Candidates must complete an application and Form CTA (Appointment of a Campaign Treasurer) Candidate filing period to file...
25 Graduates Ranked In Top 10% Of SSHS Senior Class Of 2022 Recognized At Honors Breakfast
The top 10% of Sulphur Springs High School Senior Class of 2022 was recognized Tuesday morning, May 17, 2022, at a special honors breakfast at 7 a.m. at Hopkins County Civic Center. “Today, we give special recognition to 25 honor graduates of Sulphur Springs High School Class of 2022. This class has 256 candidates for graduation. This is a special time for these young people, their families, our community and school. We are...
A Dozen Personnel Changes Approved For SSISD
Oath Administered To 3 Trustees Beginning New Term on School Board A dozen personnel changes were approved for Sulphur Springs ISD Monday afternoon. The oath of office was administered to the 3 trustees beginning a new term on the school board, then the board was reorganized with new slate of officers selected. Election Canvassing Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees acknowledged the results of the May 7, 2022, bond election. The...
Como-Pickton and Yantis School Boards To Hold May 1 Elections; Incumbents Are Unopposed For Sulphur Springs Offices
When candidate filing drew to a close Friday, incumbents were the only candidates to file for Sulphur Springs elections, while Yantis and Como-Pickton CISD each had at least one more candidate file than seats on the board. Because the incumbents are unopposed, Sulphur Springs Board of Trustees and City Council should be able to cancel their elections. Como-Pickton and Yantis schools will hold trustees elections on May 1, 2021....
SSISD To Hold Public Hearings Feb. 8 Regarding Use Of Telemedicine Services, 2019-2020 Texas Academic Performance Report
Sulphur Springs Independent School District will hold two public hearings Feb. 8 during the public forum portion of regular school board meeting. SSISD logo A public hearing on the 2019-2020 Texas Academic Performance Report is slated to be conducted by Jason Evans, who oversees SSISD State & Federal Programs, during the 6 p.m. meeting. The TAPR is essentially the school district report card and is always one year behind as Texas...
Filing For School And Municipal Elections Continues; All Reports So Far Are Of Uncontested Races
With a little less than 2 weeks left in the filing for school and municipal elections, all reports thus far are of uncontested races in Hopkins County. Sulphur Springs In Sulphur Springs, the incumbents are the only candidates who had filed candidacy in both the City Council and school board elections. School Board On the first day of the filing period, Kerry Wright and Jason Dietze filed candidate applications seeking a place on the...