Tira News By Jan Vaughn
By Jan Vaughn The Tira Homecoming is coming up on Sunday, July 2nd. Make plans to come enjoy the program at 11:00 in the Tira Methodist Church, followed by a covered dish lunch at the picnic tables on the grounds. Brad, Tanya, Matthew, Tonja, and Will joined William and Joyce Dodd for Fathers Day lunch on Sunday. Rob visited later in the day and Michael called from Richardson to wish William a Happy Father’s Day. Tiffany, Jaidyn, and...
Tira News By Jan Vaughn
Malorie Patrone, James Turcios, and Daniel, Desirea, and Denise visited Robert and Yvonne Weir and had supper with them on Friday night. Wesley and Yvonne attended the candlelight service at the Tira Methodist Church on Christmas Eve. Yvonne reports that “it was a lovely service.” Floyd Payton had to undergo surgery for an abdominal aneurism and he came home from the hospital on Christmas Eve. Martha reports, “Regina had lunch ready...
Tira News By Jan Vaughn
Tira News. By Jan Vaughn The staff members at North Hopkins returned to work on Tuesday. Everyone was treated to a delicious barbecue lunch, with all the trimmings and lots of desserts at the Peerless Baptist Church. Teachers were also able to pick up “goody bags” of school supplies to for their classrooms. Several of the staff members won door prizes, which were donated by local vendors. We would like to express our appreciation to...
Tira News By Jan Vaughn
By Jan Vaughn Applications for a place on the ballot for Tira City Council will be accepted through August 22, 2016. For more information, please contact Jan Vaughn, Tira City Secretary, at 903-438-6688. North Hopkins is gearing up for another great school year! Teachers begin next week and students return to the classroom on Monday, August 22nd. Elementary students are encouraged to “Meet the Teacher” and drop off their school...
Tira News By Jan Vaughn
By Jan Vaughn Applications for a place on the Tira City Council will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on August 22, 2016. For more information, please contact Jan Vaughn, Tira City Secretary, at 903-438-6688. John and Stephanie Long of Alvin announce the birth of their son Quentin Michael on July 8th in Houston. Quentin weighed 8 pounds 11 ounces and was 21 and 1/2 inches long. He is the grandson of Tommy and Carolyn Long of North Hopkins,...
Tira News By Jan Vaughn
A good group gathered for the Tira Homecoming on Sunday. Danna (Evans) Lewis did a great job emceeing the program. Also, she and her sister, Dusti (Evans) James, each sang a beautiful, inspirational song. Several members of the congregation shared stories of memories in Tira. Floyd and Martha Payton were honored for their many years of dedicated service to the Tira Cemetery Association and the community. Martha presented a rose to the...
Tira News By Jan Vaughn
We want to express our sympathy to the family of Leroy Reaves. His funeral service was held on Wednesday morning, at the Tira Methodist Church, under the direction of Delta Funeral Home. He was buried in the Tira Cemetery, and then family and friends gathered at the Community Center for lunch. Leroy was married to the late Mamie Lou (Weir) Reaves. Please remember the family in your prayers. Also, we extend our sympathy to the family...
Tira News By Jan Vaughn
Tira News By Jan Vaughn Tira Mayor Floyd Payton has submitted his resignation, due to health issues. The City Council will meet on Tuesday, June 7th, at 6:30 p.m. at the Tira Community Center. They consider filling Mayor Payton’s position and appointing a new member to the council, to fill the vacancy, in addition to conducting their regular quarterly business. Martha Payton expects that Floyd will be able to come home from rehab by...
Tira News By Jan Vaughn
Tira News By Jan Vaughn Jackson Dailey will be graduating Magna Cum Laude with his Bachelor’s of Science in History and Computer Information Systems from Texas A&M-Commerce on Saturday. Kim Beck reports, “We are so proud!” Debra Wood and her sister Barbara Cockrum recently returned from a trip to Williamsburg and Jamestown, Virginia, for the yearly gathering of the “Lee Society of Virginia.” Each year the Lee cousins...
Tira News By Jan Vaughn
Tira News By Jan Vaughn Robert and Yvonne Weir are proud grandparents of Nicolaas Robert Esterhause. Nicolaas was born on April 29, 2016 and weighed 3 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 16-¾ inches long. He is still in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Baylor Hospital in Dallas, but Yvonne says he is doing well and is very sweet. His parents, Destri and Eben, live near the hospital. Robert, Yvonne, and Wesley spent the weekend at...