City Approves 35 MPH Speed Limit For The Section Of Mockingbird Lane South Of I-30
In the future, you’ should be able to legally drive a little bit faster along Mockingbird Lane, south of Interstate 30. Sulphur Springs City Council on Dec. 6, 2022, approved Ordinance No. 2819, which sets a prima facie speed limit of 35 miles per hour along Mockingbird Lane. The change followed a request by a City Councilman to look into the speed limit on Mockingbird Lane from East Shannon Road to Posey Lane, as traffic...
Zoning Request For Truck Stop North Of I-30 Main Discussion At July 5 City Council Meeting
Discussion regarding Libba Land LTD’s request to rezone property north of Interstate 30 light commercial was the main focus of Tuesday evening’s Sulphur Springs City Council meeting. Three individuals and two couples who live near the property asked the City Council to consider denying the request, while City Council members sought clarity regarding the proposed development. Sulphur Springs Assistant City Manager/Community...
Sulphur Springs City Council To Consider Plat For New Housing Development, 5 Rezoning Requests
Harrison, Spraggins To Take Oath For Council Council; Officers, City Boards and Commissions To Be Selected Sulphur Springs City has a packed agenda Tuesday night; the Council members are being asked to consider a plat for a new housing development, five rezoning requests, and requests to establish a reinvestment zone and an Advisory Sidewalk Committee. Tommy Harrison and Garry Spraggins who were unchallenged in the spring for Places 4...
Sulphur Springs City Council Place 4 Candidate Tommy Harrison
Tommy Harrison filed Tuesday for candidacy for Place 4 on the May 7, 2022 Sulphur Springs City Council Election ballot. Tommy Harrison, candidate for Place 4 on Sulphur Springs City Council Harrison said he is seeking the Place 4 seat on the council so he “can bring a breath of fresh air to the City of Sulphur Springs.” The candidate said he is a retired Department of Defense Army civilian, and includes among the training,...
Harrison Files Candidacy For Place 4 On May 7 Sulphur Springs City Council Election Ballot
Tommy Wayne Harrison filed an application Tuesday morning, Feb. 8, 2022 for a place on the May 7 Sulphur Springs City Council Election ballot. Harrison, a retired resident, is seeking election Place 4 on the Sulphur Springs City Council. Tommy Harrison, Place 4 Candidate, Sulphur Springs City Council So far, Harrison is only the second person who has filed candidacy for the May 7 Election for Places 4 and 5 on the city Council....
Spraggins Seeking Reelection To Place 5 On City Council
Thursday afternoon, incumbent Gary Spraggins filed an application for a place on the May 7 Sulphur Springs City Council Election ballot. Spraggins, a salesman, is seeking reelection to Place 5. Gary Spraggins He won the Nov. 3, 2020 election, receiving 71.24 percent of the votes for the Place 5 seat for one year, and then in 2021 was elected to the final year of the unexpired term for Place 5. Candidate filing for Places 4 and Place...
Aguilar Files For Place 3 In Sulphur Springs City Council Election
Oscar Aguilar signed up Wednesday afternoon to run for Place 3 on Sulphur Springs City Council. Aguilar currently serves in the seat. He ran for and drew no opponents in 2020 for Place 3 on the council, one of four seats left vacant when four council members resigned in December 2019. Aguilar is now seeking a full 3-year term on the City Council. Oscar Aguilar Aguilar is the fourth incumbent to file Wednesday for a place on the May 1...
Julian Files Candidacy For Place 1 In Sulphur Springs City Council Election
Jay W. Julian Wednesday filed candidacy for Place 1 on Sulphur Springs City Council. Julian currently serves in the seat. He was elected in December, coming out ahead of Mark Bradley in a runoff election last month for the remaining months of the unexpired term. Julian is now seeking a full 3-year term on the City Council. Jay W. Julian The Place 1 seat was one of four on the 2020 ballot due to the resignations of four council members...
Nash, Spraggins Sign Up For Election for Places 2 and 5 On Sulphur Springs City Council
Candidate filing got under way Wednesday morning, with two candidates signing up, one each for Places 2 and 5 on the May 1, 2021 Sulphur Springs City Council Election ballot. Harold Nash Sr. is seeking a full 3-year term on the City Council for Place 2 and Gary Spraggins is seeking election to the 1-year unexpired term for Place 5. Both currently serve on the City Council. Gary Spraggins and Harold Nash Sr. Nash was appointed in...
Sulphur Springs City Council Approves Requests for 5 Building Projects That Will Provide 80 New Housing Units
Sulphur Springs City Council on Jan. 5 approved requests involving five building projects that, upon construction, will provide about 80 new housing units in Sulphur Springs. 380 Agreements The council first granted two 380 agreements, to SM Family Holdings LLC and one 380 agreement to Adrian Lopez. After constructing a single family home on property already within the city limits in identified areas (infill housing development). the...