Sulphur Springs ISD Trustees To Hold Budget Workshop, Receive ESSER Updates, Discuss UIL For Home School Students
Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees are scheduled to hold a budget workshop, receive ESSER updates, discuss offering UIL for home schooled students in Sulphur Springs. Sulphur Springs ISD Board Trustees Leesa Toliver and Robbin Vaughn, Superintendent Michael Lamb, Board President Robert Cody, Secretary Jason Dietze, and Vice President Craig Roberts before their June 15, 2021, meeting Budget, ESSER funding The trustees budget...
Sulphur Springs ISD Community Asked To Weigh In On ESSER III Fund Use Plan
The Sulphur Springs ISD community is asked to take a little time to weigh in on an ESSER III fund use plan. SSISD logo SSISD applied for its allocation, $7,984,629, of the $11.2 billion appropriated to the State of Texas for public education purposes under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act through the ESSER III Fund. Funds may be spent for costs incurred March 13, 2020 – September 30, 2024. The ESSER III funding must meet one of 15...
SSISD Eligible To Apply For $11.5 Million In Federal ESSER Grant Funding
Sulphur Springs ISD students and staff could benefit from up to $11.5 million in federal ESSER Grants funding over the next three years, provided the district can adequately articulate in grant applications that the funds meet the terms stipulated for their intended use. SSISD Assistant Superintendent Josh Williams reported the district has been notified SSISD is eligible to receive two types of federal funding, but must apply to...
Notable Updates To Sulphur Springs ISD Handbooks, Policies
District Committee Auditing And Updating District Safety & Security Plan By now, most parents have already sign form acknowledging they’ve received and will require their students to abide by the policies and procedures listed in their student handbooks, Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan. Those who have more than one student may not have taken the time to flip through to see what, if any,...
Technology Updates Approved For SSISD: New Laptops For Staff & High School Students
Elementary, Primary and Early Childhood Campuses To Receive New Interactive Touch Panels Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees this week approved three different technology purchases which will benefit students and staff. New laptops are being ordered for use by Sulphur Springs High School students and school employees, and new interactive touch panels are being ordered for elementary, primary and early childhood campuses. New Laptops...
COVID-19, State-Wide Teacher Shortages Impact Sulphur Springs ISD Hiring Process
What started as an unusual school year, thanks to COVID-19, continues to be so for many school districts, where administrators are working to try to fill an unusually high number of positions. Prior to Monday night’s recommendations, Sulphur Springs ISD’s hiring process was still on track, with typically about 60 or so changes annually for the new school year. This July, however, blew that out of the water; SSISD...