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Nov. 9 COVID-19 Update: 1 Fatality, 14 New Cases, 42 Recoveries, Antigen Tests

Nov. 9 COVID-19 Update: 1 Fatality, 14 New Cases, 42 Recoveries, Antigen Tests

Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials for the second consecutive update reported COVID-19 recoveries outpaced new cases several times over on Monday. Officials in the Nov. 9 COVID-19 update also began weekly state reporting regarding antigen positive COVID-19 tests and cases. There were 14 new positive COVID-19 cases, 10 more than were reported on Friday, but they do include any lab-confirmed molecular positive...

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Oct. 16 Hopkins County COVID-19 Update: 82 Antigen Tests, 10 In COVID Unit

Oct. 16 Hopkins County COVID-19 Update: 82 Antigen Tests, 10 In COVID Unit

For the first time in a very long time, Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials on Oct. 16 reported receiving no new COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours. While Texas Department of State Health Services reported no additional COVID-19 fatalities were reported on Oct. 16 for Hopkins County, Texas Health and Human Services reported 1 additional nursing home resident died as a result of COVID-19. DSHS/HHS COVID-19...

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Oct. 2 COVID-19 Update: 3 New Cases, 6 Recoveries, 35 Positive Antigen Tests

Oct. 2 COVID-19 Update: 3 New Cases, 6 Recoveries, 35 Positive Antigen Tests

Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials in the Oct. 2 COVID-19 update reported 3 new COVID-19 cases and 6 new recoveries among Hopkins County residents, just before 3 p.m. Friday, Oct. 2 That’s 14 fewer new cases on Friday than were reported on Thursday, Oct. 1. With twice as many new recoveries reported as new cases, the active case count dropped from 87 to 84 on Friday. That means 297 of the 381 Hopkins...

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Hopkins County Sept. 25 COVID-19 Update: 3 New Cases, 51 Positive Antigen Tests, 92 Active Cases

Hopkins County Sept. 25 COVID-19 Update: 3 New Cases, 51 Positive Antigen Tests, 92 Active Cases

Three Hopkins County residents received positive COVID-19 results today, increasing the number of active cases to 92 active cases, Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials reported in the Sept. 25 COVID-19 update. That is the largest single day active COVID-19 case tally for Hopkins County since the pandemic began in March. positive COVID-19 results In the past three months, when cases surged, the most active...

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Sept. 11 Hopkins County COVID-19 Update: 3 New Cases, 5 Recoveries, 20 Positive Antigen Tests

Sept. 11 Hopkins County COVID-19 Update: 3 New Cases, 5 Recoveries, 20 Positive Antigen Tests

Three new positive COVID-19 cases were reported on Friday, Sept. 11, increasing the number of active cases in Hopkins County to 69, Hopkins County/Sulphur /Springs Emergency Management reported in the Sept. 11 Hopkins County COVID-19 update. That’s 38 total new cases reported so far in September, and 281 cumulative cases reported since March in Hopkins County. The HC/SSEM team did have some good news as well. More Hopkins County...

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4 Free At-Home Rapid Antigen COVID-19 Tests Can Be Ordered Online

4 Free At-Home Rapid Antigen COVID-19 Tests Can Be Ordered Online

Several local residents have reported difficulties finding free COVID tests or scheduling free COVID tests. In the US, residents can now order online four tests to be shipped free at the end of January to residential addresses through the post office for those who request them. One type of COVID-19 test kit that can purchased This is not for individuals who immediately need COVID-19 tests, but those who wish to order them online to...

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Dec. 19 COVID-19 Update: 2 Fatalities, 7 New Molecular Tests, 17 Recoveries

Dec. 19 COVID-19 Update: 2 Fatalities, 7 New Molecular Tests, 17 Recoveries

Texas Department of State Health Services’ Dec. 19 COVID-19 dashboard shows 7 new confirmed COVID-19 cases, 17 new probable cases, 16 recoveries and two fatalities. The seven new cases confirmed by molecular (PCR) testing make 70 new cases this week and 208 so far this month. Cumulatively, 1,040 Hopkins County residents have tested positive for COVID-19 since March. That’s a 2.8 percent molecular positivity rate. The Dec....

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Nov. 16 COVID-19 Update: 7 New Molecular Cases, 112 Positive Antigen Results

Nov. 16 COVID-19 Update: 7 New Molecular Cases, 112 Positive Antigen Results

Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials received notification that 7 additional county residents have received positive molecular COVID-19 results since their last report on Friday, according to the Nov. 16 COVID-19 update. Since there have been no new recoveries in a week, the active case count has continued to rise over the last week to 136 on Monday, the highest active case count in the last 11 days....

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Hopkins County COVID-19 Sept. 4 Update: 1 Additional Death, 3 New Cases, 29 Positive Antigen Results

Hopkins County COVID-19 Sept. 4 Update: 1 Additional Death, 3 New Cases, 29 Positive Antigen Results

Hopkins County Emergency Management officials reported they’d received notification in the last 48 hours of 3 new positive COVID-19 cases, bumping the number of active COVID-19 cases in Hopkins County to 50 on Sept. 4. That’s 9 new cases reported so far in September and 12 new cases reported this week. That’s less than half the number of cases reported during the first 4 days of August but two man than on July 4. The...

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Alcohol Isn’t The Only Thing A Breath Test Can Detect; It Can Now Detect COVID-19 Too

Alcohol Isn’t The Only Thing A Breath Test Can Detect; It Can Now Detect COVID-19 Too

Alcohol isn’t the only thing a breath test can detect; COVID-19 can now be detected in less than 3 minutes using a breath sample. Not having to stick a long cotton swab up the nose, have a blood sample drawn or cheek swab to check for the virus sounds great, just don’t expect to see the new diagnostic devices readily available to the average consumer anytime soon – or even some locations that previously conducted...

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