19 Saltillo Academic UIL Competitors Advancing From District To Region

Saltillo ISD earned 371 points, giving the academic UIL competitors a second place overall finish at the District Academic UIL Competition, making the team the Academic UIL Runner Up Champion this year. Saltillo had 31 competitors who racked up 32 individual awards; eight teams were recognized as well.

Nineteen students scored high enough at the March 24 contest at Union Hill High School to advanced to the Academic UIL Regional contest April 22-23, 2022, in Waxahachie. To advance, students had to be ranked among the top three competitors in their category or be a member of the first place team.

 Saltillo Academic UIL District competitors included (from left, kneeling) Trinity White, Caden McGill, Jordan Cartwright, Grayson Gurley, Amira Terry, Jazmine Castro and Alyssa Partin; (standing) Cason Carmody, Evan Andrew, Colby McCoy, Ethan White, Ethan Sexton, Jacob Sexton, David Whitworth, Gunner Tarver, Cristian Trejo, Ridge Johnson, Luke Ritter, Drew Redburn, Yadhira Alonso, Katelyn Cline, Ryleigh Redar, Allie Lane, Gabby Ross, Maysen Pipkin, Coy Collins and Sheri Hailey; and (not pictured) Justice Burke, Julianna Giles, Olyveah Allen and Brianna Tawil

The Saltillo accounting team won first place honors by taking four of the top six places in the event. Gunner Tarver won second place honors, Yadhira Alonso third place honors, Brianna Tawil placed fourth and Trinity White fifth in accounting. This team advances.

The Saltillo students also did especially well in journalism competition, earning a first place ranking overall.

In copy editing, Amira Terry earned second place honors, Sheri Hailey third place honors and Colby McCoy finished sixth.

In editorial writing, Allie Lane placed fourth, Julianna Giles fifth and Alyssa Partin sixth.

In feature writing, Katelyn Cline won first place honors, Olyveah Allen second place and Gabby Ross placed fourth.

In headline writing, Ryleigh Redar earned second place honors, Gunner Tarver third place honors and Luke Ritter sixth place honors.

In news writing, Cristian Trejo won first place honors and Cason Carmody second place honors.

The Saltillo computer science competitors garnered second place team honors. Individually, Caden McGill finished fourth, Jacob Sexton fifth and Cristian Trejo sixth.

The speech team and spelling and vocabulary team also each earned second place recognition. In spelling, Ethan Sexton was recognized for finishing fourth and Amira Terry fifth.

The first place current issues and events team also advances to regional competition this weekend. Jacob Sexton won second place honors and Evan Andrew sixth place recognition as well.

Ethan White won second place honors and Trinity White placed fifth in literary criticism, garnering a second place team finish.

In persuasive speaking, Luke Ritter won first place honors and Justice Burke third place honors.

In science, David Whitworth earned first place honors.

The social studies team also earned second place team recognition. Individually, Ethan White won third honors in social studies.

Congratulations to Saltillo Academic UIL competitors for these achievements at the district meet. KSST wishes them the best of luck at the regional meet this weekend.

Author: KSST Contributor

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