For Sale: Ford 3 point hitch dirt schoop, good condition. Call 903 439 5137
For Sale: a Dalton electric/semi electric bed with two cranks, high and low. Was never used. This party is looking for the best offer. If interested or for more details, please call 903-885-9766.
Like new Electric Hospital Bed. Priced to sell. Also a walker for sale. (903) 348-8552
Free: a 26″ men’s Huffy Blases bicycle. Not new, needs new tires. Needs to be cleaned up. Also, free, two eight or ten foot wooden truck ramps with metal ends. “Great for loading a truck.” If interested, or for more details, please call 903-439-5334.
Needing: firewood. Oak or pecan. Please call with price and whether delivery is an option. Call 903-945-2653.
Complete set of Wilson Golf Clubs with the bag. Good condition, make and offer. 903 919 3377
I have a very nice queen size cross bed for sale in excellent condition . It has a cross on the headboard and on the footboard . It’s tan in color . Matress and box springs are not included . This is a very nice bed made of wood . Must pickup in sulphur springs . I’m asking $450.00 . Please text 903-440-2186 if interested . Thanks
I have for sale a very nice antique prayer bench in excellent condition . It’s made out of wood and has pad knee rest . It’s a beautiful prayer bench , alter . I’m asking $100.00 and must be picked up in sulphur springs . If interested please text 903-440-2186 . Thanks
For Sale: a large entertainment center in excellent condition. it’s 9’6″ wife and 6’2″ tall. It’s light color wood, like maple or oak. Has storage, lighting, glass doors, and can expand to accommodate up to a 60″ tv. Easy to move, breaks down to sections when taken apart. Moving, must sell. $600 (originally $1400) 903-348-4272
A 2-pc maple hutch for dishes or keepsakes. About 4′ wide and 5′ tall.
Has shelves, drawer and 2 lower doors. Excellent condition, original owner
$60. 903-438-3568
For sale: Purple top turnips with the greens, Broadleaf mustard greens, pickling cucumbers, Straight neck squash, jalapeno and Cheyenne peppers, ANASAZI beans, new potatoes, sweet potatoes, decorative Gourds and Kale. All greens $2 for a large bunch – picked fresh while you wait All other produce $4 per Quart. Call or text 903 243 0472 or 903 348 1341 for appointment time and availability. Located in the Arbala community.
Very nice solid oak hutch with glass doors, and sides. Two shelves behind doors at bottom. Size 38 inches wide, 14 inches deep and 74 inches tall. No scratches or imperfections. One owner. $200. Call 903-598-2235.
Used furniture priced to sell ASAP. Cash only. Dining table w/4 chairs, China Cabinet, Sofa, Dresser w/mirror, Headboard, Chest, Dresser w/mirror, Refrigerator, Electric Clothes Dryer. Located on McGrede Drive in Sulphur Springs. Call 817-941-5829 leave message if no answer.
Will haul off small brush and cut down small tress. Free estimate 903 348 6058
For Sale: Massey Ferguson front end loader and a box blade, $4500. Call 903 488 3646.
Office Trailer: Semi-Trailer: Container For Sale: Call 972-268-0491
a barely use Britax Boulevard Click tight Convertible carseat, asking $90 but will negotiate on the price. call 903-440-5523 or text for pic or questions
new Mattel Hot wheel Track Builder Total turbo Workshop takeover track set can build multiple set with a motorized booster still in box asking $20 and also a new still in box AMScope Kids Beginner Compound Microscope Kit-50 pieces 120x-1200x, reflecting mirror for natural illumination, built in light for direct illumination, built in rotating color filter wheel, ABS case, durable metal arm with stage clips, 120x,240x,300x,480x,600x, and 1200x six magnification beginner microscope everything is new still in box call 903-440-5523 for picture or question
For Sale: a new black series air hover target games asking $20, a new bullet express everything still in box make family meals with in 8 minutes asking $100, Ozark thermal sleeping bag brand new asking $20, Melissa and Doug take along vehicle town asking $10, I have a lots new toys at a reasonable price, call to come see you might fine something , still have to much to name, call 903-440-5523 for questions or pic for things that i might have.
For Sale: Aluminum porch ramp, $200. Hospital bed $45. 903 243 2895
Free: full size mattress. 903 335 0564
Wanting: to do housework. References available. If interested, or for more details, please call 903-439-7310.