For the second day in a row, Hopkins County/Sulphur Springs Emergency Management officials reported 5 new positive COVID-19 cases, but no recoveries, and the number of patients in the COVID-19 unit at the local hospital doubled.

At the current rate of increase in COVID-19 cases, Hopkins County’s cumulative COVID-19 case count is likely to rise above 300 within the next week. Twelve new cases were reported during the first 7 days of Hopkins County, 26 the week of Sept. 8-14, and 10 so far this week. That’s 48 Hopkins County residents who have received positive molecular PCR tests from Sept. 1-17.
The 5 cases reported Sept. 17 increases the active case count to 72 and the cumulative number of Hopkins County residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 since March to 291.
In only 4 of the last 17 days have HC/SSEM officials reported COVID recoveries: 6 of Sept. 6, 5 on Sept. 8, 5 on Sept. 11 and 7 on Sept. 14. The 23 recoveries reported so far this month increase the cumulative number of Hopkins County residents who have recovered from COVID-19 since March to 219.
The number of patients in the COVID-19 units in CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital-Sulphur Springs doubled from 4 patients on Wednesday Sept. 16 to 8 on Sept. 17 — the most the HC/SSEM officials have reported since August.

An additional 59 COVID-19 molecular-PCR tests were performed at Hopkins County Regional Civic Center Wednesday, increasing the overall total of COVID tests conducted at the facility since free weekly was first offered on Sept. 7 to 501.
Free COVID-19 testing will continue to be offered at the Civic Center, 1200 Houston St. in Sulphur Springs, daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Saturday, Sept. 19.
Symptoms are not required for testing. Children can be tested, provided they are accompanied by a parent or guardian. Registration for testing is conducted online at Scroll down to register.
Texas Health and Human Services Department on Sept. 17 reported two employees at Carriage House Manor had recovered and two new positive cases of COVID-19 among employees at Carriage House Manor on Sept. 3, the most recent data reported for nursing homes. No resident cases of COVID-19 had been reported for any Sulphur Springs nursing home through Sept. 3.
There were no active COVID-19 cases reported at the assisted living facilities in Sulphur Springs as of Sept. 3. Also, no active COVID-19 cases were reported at the child care centers in Hopkins County on Sept. 16, according to HHS reports.
No additional COVID fatalities had been assigned to Hopkins County on Sept. 17, so the total number of Hopkins County residents who were ruled on death certificates to have died as a result of COVID-19 remains 8, according to Texas Department of State Health Services reports.