MGISD 2020-21 School Year Off To A Pretty Smooth Start
Miller Grove ISD Superintendent Steve Johnson said reports that while the 2020-21 school year is a lot different due to COVID-19, the first two days of classes at MGISD were”pretty smooth.”

“Kids seem to be happy to be back. We’ve not really had any issues,” Johnson said Friday afternoon.
Students and staff are adjusting face masks and social distancing requirements, which for younger students means some eat in the cafeteria spaced out and others have lunch brought to them.
Johnson expressed appreciation to Hopkins County Fire Chief/Emergency Management Coordinator Andy Endsley for loaning the county’s sanitizing backpack to the district Wednesday. MGISD, like most other districts, ordered the recommended sanitizing and disinfecting system. However, due to the huge demand, theirs hadn’t arrived Aug. 12. With school slated to begin Aug. 13, the county loaned their equipment and supplies to Miller Grove and Cumby ISDs so they could make sure everything was ready for the first day of classes. He noted that the Cumby ISD police chief also responded at the location, assisting with the 2-step process, which he then used the supplies to repeat at Cumby ISD.
Endsley said Hopkins County was simply showing the same community spirit afforded to the county by the city, before the county’s equipment arrived.
Johnson reported something new this year is that all students who receive cafeteria meals will get their lunch and breakfast for free.
MGISD qualifies to operate under the Community Eligibility Provision, which allows district to provide breakfast and lunch to all children at no charge. It eliminates the need for families to complete applications to determine if they qualify for free or educed-price student meals.
However, because district qualification is based on socioeconomic information, MGISD sill has to collect and report the socioeconomic status of each student to the Texas Education Agency for purposes of the annual state accountability ratings and for federal reporting.
Thus, families are still asked to complete and return Socioeconomic Information Form. The information asks if the family receives TANF or SNAP assistance, and if no, to select one of 12 options denoting annual income bracket, for instance, some ranges include: $0-$21,590; $66,657-$74,167; $36,613-$44,123; $81,679-$89,189; or $126,745 and above.
The Socioeconomic Impact Form can be downloaded from the school website, then returned to school when completed.
MGISD officials note the economic disadvantaged status of each student determined by the information provided on the form is reported to TEA, but the form and income levels indicated for the family are not.
Johnson asks families for all MGISD students who have not yet completed a socioeconomic impact form to get those in soon so the district can offer free meals for all MGISD students.