By Jan Vaughn
We want to express our sympathy to the family of Ray Gardner. He passed away on Tuesday night, January 21, 2020. Please be in prayer for his wife, Tina, and all of his family.
Yvonne Weir reports, “Brenda Allen and Liz Wallace came for a visit on Thursday and Jan Vaughn visited on Sunday.” She is recovering from knee replacement. She adds, “Robert attended the memorial for Garry Crowson on Saturday evening. Garry had been his best friend since grade school and he was the best man in our wedding. He will be missed.” Please remember the Crowson family in your prayers.
Joyce Dodd reports that the Tira Food Pantry could use some canned meats, soups, juices, cereal and canned fruit. She said that they have plenty of vegetables on hand at this time. We always appreciate your donations to the pantry.
Chip and I went to Campbell on Saturday for our great-grandson Rylan Joslin’s Little Dribblers basketball game. They played really well and won their game. Malcolm Joslin and his friend, Melinda, and her children were there, too, along with Rylan’s mother and brothers, Laiken, Brailon and Slaiden Joslin. Landon had to work and couldn’t be there. After the game, Chip and I had lunch in Greenville and did a little shopping.
Grace Vaughn is a new resident of Tira. We moved her into our home on Sunday afternoon. Linda Ellen Vaughn, Chip’s sister, came in from Dallas and helped Chip bring all of her things. Grace had been to church at Posey that morning to hear her grandson, Brian Vaughn, youth minister, preach and to see her great-grandson, Roman Vaughn, be baptized. Lori Vaughn came by for a visit on Sunday afternoon.
I always need and appreciate input from my friends to help keep me informed of news in our community. If you have any news pertaining to Tira residents, past or present, please contact me, Jan Vaughn, at 903-438-6688 or [email protected].
Catch up on past Tira News and read information about other ares of the community on KSST.