December 4, 2023 – The Whitehouse Area Chamber of Commerce has filed a police report regarding an incident involving an “unauthorized entry” into their Christmas parade allegedly throwing bottles of alcohol and other items to parade watchers. The incident occurred last Saturday and was first made public when Joshua Underwood posted a picture of a miniature whiskey bottle he claimed his daughter had picked up after being thrown from a vehicle during the parade. The Underwood post was listed on Facebook Group “Whitehouse Texas, Rants, Raves, & Recommendations” and received over 1,100 comments before a group administrator shut down comments for the post.

One of those comments was an explanation from Ashley Westerfield who is the self-described Admin for the Whitehouse Area Chamber of Commerce. In the Westerfield post, she said, “The truck that did this was NOT a registered entry in the parade. He went behind Holloway and snuck into the parade line between floats. A complaint was filed with the Police department as soon as we were told about it. They have a picture of his truck, License plate and the name of his company. This was NOT an approved float. We apologize for anything that was handed out by this individual and his passengers.” Most of the comments were in support of the local Chamber of Commerce, as other found humor in the incident. As law enforcement investigate the incident, it is unclear how many inappropriate items were dispensed from the vehicle.