April 10, 2023- Hopkins County Commissioners Court met Monday to discuss a resolution of the Jim Chapman Lake and White Oak Creek Mitigation Area master plan. This resolution would postpone the finalization of the masterplan by two years to allow Stakeholders and Local Citizens to work with the Army Corp of Engineers and Texas Wildlife and Parks to maximize current assets and future possibilities for the lake.

The Army Corps defines a Master Plan as… “The strategic land use management document that
guides the comprehensive management and development of all project recreational, natural
and cultural resources throughout the life of the water resource development project.”
Jim Chapman Lake (also known as Cooper Lake) was authorized as a multipurpose project in 1955. White Oak Mitigation Area was purchased in an effort to mitigate the loss of bottomland hardwood and wildlife displaced by the creation of the Jim Chapman Lake. Due to funding delays and extensive litigation opposing the lake, the original master plan of 1988 was delayed. The Corp of Engineers proposed a new master plan to further restrict 7,200 acres as “environmentally sensitive”.

Hopkins County Commissioners Court supports the delay of the Jim Chapman Lake and White Oak Mitigation Area Master Plan .

To see the presentation created by the Corp of Engineers for Lake Chapman, click here.