March 8, 2023- On Tuesday, March 7th the Sulphur Springs City Council discussed Rezoning of Property located at 2119 Main Street, identified as lot Pt 1, 2, BLK:122. The property consists of approximately 10 acres of land, owned by C&C Guardian Inc. The Rezoning of the property would change the property form a light commercial property to a light industrial property. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended the denial of the rezoning to the City Council. The city Council opened the floor to the public to hear their opinions of the matter at hand, several members of the community came to the stand to speak their mind on the rezoning of the property.
The first person to the podium to speak was Ginger Brooks, Brooks discussed her opposition of the potential idea of a light industrial business across the road from the neighborhood “… A couple of our concerns have to do the noise and traffic, there is no shoulder or turning lane and being on the property for the last 20 years there is a lot more traffic than people seem to think…”
Chris Gibbins was next up to the podium to express his opposition on the rezoning of the property. Gibbins also explained he was acting as a representative of another member of the area who was also in opposition of the rezoning. “We stand in opposition but we don’t stand in opposition of growth for the further development of our community.” Gibbins said with as his final statement
Tammy Tanton took the podium next on behalf of her parents who are in opposition of the rezoning. Tammy expressed her concerns for the younger families that have recently moved in to the quiet neighborhood, and how the possible industrial zone could bring unwanted noise.
President of C&C Guardian Stacy Cody took the podium to express the companies opinion on the matter. Cody started out by explaining the previous plan of the property, which was to have it as a residential area, however this was denied. “we have two buyers and we cant sell in either direction…” stated Cody.
Vice-President of C&C Guardian Wayne Cooper took the podium after Cody to explain more on the companies interest in rezoning the property.
The City Council members voted to approve the rezoning and to overturn the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board. A super majority vote was necessary for the City Council to approve the rezoning plan for the property, meaning that 80 percent of the council must approve the rezoning. Six Council members were present during the voting, the vote was as follows:
- 1 vote for no
- 1 abstained from voting
- 4 votes for yes
The rezoning planning was denied during first hearing due to the lack of a “super majority” vote.