Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Trading Post for February 1, 2022

Needing: a Salon dryer and chair combo. If you have one for sale please call 903-440-3935.

Would like to buy an old-fashioned exercise bike that is in good condition, small and simple to use like the Huffy Exersystem 5000.

A new 22 piece Fondue Set new asking $22, call 903-440-5523 for pic or question if no answer please leave a message

A brand new crayola crayon maker, also the original Lincoln Logs 83 pieces brand new asking $20 for the crayola crayon maker and $25 for the Lincoln Logs call 903-440-5523, for picture or questions

For Sale: Yamaha US1000 Electone Organ in good working condition and organ a music book included. $300 obo. 903 885 6403 or 903 439 7463

For Sale: 1 1/2 sets of lockers from Cooper School. 903 246 5766

Antique Oak Round dinning table with 2 chairs. original caster feet and 3 extensions $300.00.
Queen size hideabed good condition burgundy . no tears or soil spots on couch or mattress
$200.00. call 903-279-9813

Nutritional shakes and juices for sale. 25 regular and 9 for diabetics. 34 total. Assorted flavors. $ 25 for all. Men’s depends type absorbent disposable underwear. waist size 38-50. 19 pair total. $10 Text or call 903-335-4920.

Antique Grate Heaters, Large, $100, Med $75%. Small $50, Bathroom Heater $15
903-885-3420. Leave Message if no Answer

polaris 4 wheeler 425 magnum low mileage new battery new carb 4wheel drive 9039452652

Stray Dog, near 1613 Wright Dr. Mixed breed male with red collar.

3-year old hens for sale: 3 Dominique and 9 Production Red hens. $5 each or $55 for all, call 903-945-2986 between 9am to 6pm.

Fresh eggs for sale $3.00 an 18 count carton or 2 for $5.00. 291 county road 3585 Dike, Tx or call 9033486167.

For Sale: 4 piece sofa and chair in good condition, small tables $10 each. 903 885 2735

used matching fridgedaire washer and dryer good condition 400.00 for both or 250.00 for washer and 150.00 for dryer also have 1960s green chest of drawers and matchingdresser with mirror 500.00 for pair, 1900s bear claw buffet server cabinet good shape 300.00, have half a cord of oak firewood been setting out 2 years still good must take all for freecall 903-951-3969 if no answer leave message.

Wanted: car batteries, tractor batteries, scooter batteries, any old lead batteries. Will come and pick them up. 903 348 4498.

Trading Post

Author: KSST Webmaster

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