Judge Brad Cummings announced his intention to seek the Republican nomination for re-election as Hopkins County Justice of the Peace, Precinct No. 2.

Judge Cummings has served the citizens of Hopkins County for 13 years. The last 6 1/2 years, he has served as Justice of the Peace, Precinct No. 2, which includes Hopkins County Precincts 3 and Precinct 4.
The Justice Courts have original jurisdiction involving fine-only, Class C, misdemeanor offenses. JP courts hear disputes regarding evictions, truancy cases, and civil lawsuits involving controversies up to $20,000. Justices of the Peace preside over various hearings to include juvenile detentions, towing and property hearings, dangerous animal hearings, and driver license and handgun license suspension appeals. JPs considers applications for issuance of occupational driver’s licenses. Justices of the Peace perform magistrate duties at the jail, at the preliminary stages of a person’s arrest. JPs issue warrants of arrest concerning criminal actions and emergency detention warrants concerning mental health crises. The JPs in Hopkins County hold the responsibility as the coroner and conduct inquests whenever an unattended death occurs or when requested by a physician.
Since taking office, Cummings and his staff have disposed over 14,000 criminal cases and over 2,000 civil cases. He has conducted 350 inquests and has presided over 8,800 magistrate hearings.
He was elected in 2014, taking office January 1, 2015, after the retirement of long time Justice of the Peace, Judge Ronny Glossup. As of 2019, Cummings has been on staff with the Texas Justice Court Training Center, as an instructor. According to Cummings, this prestigious honor is comprised of training newly elected judges and instructing incumbent judges regarding the operations and responsibilities of Texas Justice Courts.
Cummings has also served, as recommended by the Texas Justice Court Training Center, as a mentor judge for the State Commission on Judicial Conduct. He collaborated with Sheriff Lewis Tatum and Hopkins County Jail Administrator Kenneth Dean in implementing the I.N.M.A.T.E. (Increasing Natural Motivation After Tabescent Expressions) program for at-risk youth, in attempts to curb behavioral concerns and reduce recidivism.
“President George H.W. Bush said, ‘No definition of a successful life can do anything but include serving others.’ I truly appreciate the confidence and encouragement that the citizens of our blessed county have in me. The service that my staff and I are graciously entrusted to provide is not something that is taken lightly, I assure you. I would appreciate your support for re-election, and the opportunity to continue my service to you,” Cummings said when announcing his intent to file for re-election for the Republican Party for Precinct 2 Justice of the Peace in the spring of 2022.