Lamar & Travis Primary Schools Recognized as 2nd-Year Winners, Bowie & Bush Primary Schools Make List For First Time
Four campuses in Sulphur Springs ISD are among only 110 schools in Texas and 325 across the country named Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools, SSISD Assistant Superintendent Kristin Monk announced Friday.
“Bowie and Bush Primaries are first year winners and Lamar and Travis Primaries are second year winners. Out of 325 campuses chosen nationwide (from 150,000!) SSISD has F O U R of them. I am so very proud of each one and the hard work that goes into this. Flip Flippen shared with them in his virtual call that, ‘This is not a gimmie! You EARNED this!’ Please give each campus some recognition if you can!” Monk stated Friday, noting the Zoom meeting held earlier this week congratulating administrators at the four schools for being selected as National Showcase Schools® for the 2020-2021 school year.
“We congratulate you as one of our Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools! You are to be commended for your commitment to building a safe and caring culture through the Capturing Kids’ Hearts processes,” Debbie Emery, a Capturing Kids’ Hearts Leadership Development Executive, stated in an email to principals at recipient schools.
The Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools recognizes “outstanding school administrators, teaching staff, and faculty for producing exemplary outcomes with Capturing Kids’ Hearts processes.”
Bowie Principal is Mandy Fenton, Barbara Bush Principal Ashanta Alexander, Lamar Principal Chandra Crawford and Travis Principal Michelle Wallace.
Through the National Showcase Schools awards, Capturing Kids’ Hearts recognizes and celebrates schools that go the extra mile each day, creating the social-emotional safety on school campuses that is conducive to learning.
National Showcase Schools are chosen annually through a rigorous selection process that includes measuring key performance indicators, gathering campus data, and surveying staff and students. The results represent the implementation of CKH processes as well as the culture and climate on each campus. Capturing Kids’ Hearts celebrates campuses where educators are exceeding expectations and creating an environment where students feel safe, connected, and eager to learn. This year’s selection process began with 555 campuses and resulted in 325 awardees.
“We are always looking for ways to highlight our campuses on social media,” Emery stated in the congratulatory email email to Bowie Primary Principal Mandy Fenton. “As a first-year awardee you will receive a banner to display on your campus and a canvas to showcase as well.”
Capturing Kids’ Hearts provides professional development for educators nationwide. Through experiential training, expert coaching, and personalized support, Capturing Kids’ Hearts equips professionals in K-12 education to implement transformational processes focused on social-emotional wellbeing, relationship-driven culture, and student connectedness. Capturing Kids’ Hearts processes provide educators with the skills they need to change the trajectory of students’ lives. Campuses implementing Capturing Kids’ Hearts processes consistently report improvements in academic, behavioral, and cultural outcomes, according to the CKH website.