On Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020, Sulphur Springs City Council received from City Manager Marc Maxwell the monthly manager’s report:
The number of active cases in Hopkins County nearly doubled in October with a total of 141 active cases as of November 2. The state has tested 1905 people at the Hopkins County testing site since the October council meeting. We have had 559 recoveries and 36 fatalities in Hopkins County.

As a part of the City’s response to Covid-19 the City suspended the practice of cutting off water service for non-payment. Some of the balances are growing quite high. The total arrearage is $108,358 with 469 accounts (6.7% of all accounts) in arrears. 168 accounts are more than 90 days in arrears. I have not planned on reinstituting cut offs until after a vaccine is available. At that point we will have to decide how to bring the delinquent accounts up to a current status. I will likely propose requiring residents to pay their current bill along with 1/6th or 1/12th of their arrearage to avoid being cut off. In this way their accounts would be brought current in either 6 months or 12 months.
The foundation for the building and the patio have both been poured. Sulta Manufacturing is supplying the steel for the project, and we expect the steel
to be delivered the week of November 16. Hawk Construction will begin erecting the steel as soon as it is delivered. Staff installed the grease trap and the sewer service to the building in October.
Construction drawings are still being prepared by REES Associates. We have hired Tandem Consulting to oversee the construction just like the Grays Building.
Atmos is finally finished replacing the gas line. We have finished all or our work on Bellview. Texana Land and Asphalt plans to pave Bellview and McCann the week of the 16th, weather permitting.
The sewer main and water main have both been replaced. We are currently replacing some sections of curb and gutter and some driveway approaches. After that, the street will be paved with asphalt. Texana Land and Asphalt plans to pave Bellview and McCann the week of the 16th, weather permitting.
This is the next project in the Capital Improvement Plan. This 1,000’ long street is more than 80 years old, and the utilities are completely depleted. The street will receive a new water main and a new sewer main. We will replace portions of curb and gutter and cement-stabilize the road base. Texana Land and Asphalt will then pave the street with asphalt. We have already begun replacing the sewer main.
We did not have any workers compensation claims or liability claims in
Finance Director Lesa Smith will not present a report of revenues and expenditures since the year has only just begun.
Elsewhere around the city, employees:

- Responded to 179 Fire/Rescue calls including 2 structure fires and 3 vehicle fires.
- Performed preventative maintenance on 78 fire hydrants.
- Performed 10 fire inspections.
- Sent 16 notices of code violations.
- Made 16 major street repairs following utility repairs.
- Cleaned storm drains after 4 rain events.
- Conducted 28 building inspections, 21 electrical inspections, 16 plumbing inspections, 3 mechanical inspections and issued 34 building permits.
- Checked out 2,892 items from the Library.
- Installed a Zoom booth at the Library.
- Sold 7,820 gallons of Jet A fuel and 2,934 gallons of AvGas at the Airport.
- Replaced the lamps on the girls’ softball fields at Coleman Park.
- Washed tertiary filters and performed preventative maintenance on the clarifiers at the wastewater treatment plant.
- Treated wastewater effluent to monthly average total suspended solids count of .38 mg/L.
- Repaired 9 water main ruptures.
- Replaced 43 water meters.
- Unstopped 18 sewer mains.Repaired 5 sewer services.
- Flushed 36 dead end water mains.
- Treated 148 million gallons of potable water.
- Made 2 felony arrests in the Special Crimes Unit.
- Responded to 45 accidents, wrote 472 citations, recorded 34 offenses and made 29 arrests in the Patrol Division.
- Responded to 225 calls for animal control.
- Achieved an 88% adoption rate at the animal shelter.
- Hosted a 62-team collegiate baseball/softball tournament.
- Trimmed trees and undergrowth at Buford Park.
- Planted winter flowers downtown.
- Pressure washed various sidewalks downtown.