Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Sulphur Springs City Council Nov. 3 Meeting Agenda

NOVEMBER 3, 2020 7:00 P.M.

The regular meeting of the Sulphur Springs City Council will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 3, 2020.

Public link:

The following items will be discussed:

  1. Call to order.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag, Texas Flag, and invocation.
  3. Presentations, proclamations, and announcements.
  4. Manager’s report will include a status report of capital improvements,
    wastewater treatment plant operations, accidents and claims for the month, and a review of expenditures and revenues.
  5. Discussion/action on a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
  6. Discussion/action on public hearing for second and final reading of
    Ordinance No. 2773 establishing a certain area as a commercial-industrial reinvestment zone.
  7. Discussion/action on public hearing for second and final reading of
    Ordinance No. 2774, establishing Lot 6 of the Pioneer Business Park as an
    industrial reinvestment zone.
  8. Discussion/action on public hearing for second and final reading of
    Ordinance No. 2775, a rezoning request by the City of Sulphur Springs to
    rezone property annexed (generally referred to as the Luminant or Thermo Mine Property) to Heavy Industrial.
  9. Discussion/action on public hearing for second and final reading of Ordinance No. 2776, a rezoning request for property located at the corner of Spence and Fisher Streets from Heavy Commercial to Single Family Attached.
  10. Discussion/action on the purchase of a large track loader with a clam shell bucket for $248,500.00 to replace the 1980 CAT D6 Dozer and the 1999 John Deere 555 track loader.
  11. Discussion/action on assignment of an existing Airport Ground Lease Agreement for Lot 1220-06.
  12. Discussion/action on first reading of Ordinance No. 2777, establishing Lot A39, Block A, Vol. 3 page 60, as an industrial reinvestment zone.
  13. Discussion/action on Resolution No. 1213, approving the 380 agreement with D6, Inc. and authorizing the city manager to enter into said agreement for an Economic Development project.
  14. Discussion/action on Resolution No. 1214, closing the CARES Act Small Business Assistance Program.
  15. Discussion/action on approval for the purchase of Personal Protective Equipment (Bunker Gear) for the City of Sulphur Springs Fire Department.
  16. Visitors and public forum.
  17. Adjourn.
empty seats at Sulphur Springs Municipal building

Author: KSST Contributor

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