Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Trading Post for October 9, 2020

Under the Big Top! Look for the big white tent. KSST Garage Sale! New Items: Dome tent, chain saw, coleman stove, large dremel type tool. Large light fixtures for inside your house. Rental quality (and quantity) chairs and tables for sale. We have an assortment of home decorations. Everything priced to move! See today at KSST studios, 717 Shannon Road.

For Sale: Massey Ferguson front end loader and a box blade, $4500. Call 903 488 3646.

Office Trailer: Semi-Trailer: Container For Sale: Call 972-268-0491

a barely use Britax Boulevard Click tight Convertible carseat, asking $90 but will negotiate on the price. call 903-440-5523 or text for pic or questions

new Mattel Hot wheel Track Builder Total turbo Workshop takeover track set can build multiple set with a motorized booster still in box asking $20 and also a new still in box AMScope Kids Beginner Compound Microscope Kit-50 pieces 120x-1200x, reflecting mirror for natural illumination, built in light for direct illumination, built in rotating color filter wheel, ABS case, durable metal arm with stage clips, 120x,240x,300x,480x,600x, and 1200x six magnification beginner microscope everything is new still in box call 903-440-5523 for picture or question

For Sale: a new black series air hover target games asking $20, a new bullet express everything still in box make family meals with in 8 minutes asking $100, Ozark thermal sleeping bag brand new asking $20, Melissa and Doug take along vehicle town asking $10, I have a lots new toys at a reasonable price, call to come see you might fine something , still have to much to name, call 903-440-5523 for questions or pic for things that i might have.

For Sale: Aluminum porch ramp, $200. Hospital bed $45. 903 243 2895

Free: full size mattress. 903 335 0564

Wanting: to do housework. References available. If interested, or for more details, please call 903-439-7310.

For Sale: 12 ” Sears arm saw, good shape $350. Sears Table Saw 10″ $200 Other power tools and hand tools as well. Items located in Brashear. Call 903-582-9806

For Sale: 11 Young Laying Hens producing 10-12 eggs per day. Also have 2 Automatic waterers. Large Plastic Feed Bins. Please Call 903-440-4148

For Sale: Oak Pellet stove used twice heats 2000 sq feet, trailer with a 25 gal spray rig, 6500 w gasoline genset in good condition, large stainless steel electric smoker. 903 440 4148.

27 ton, Troy-bilt log splitter, used for 30 minutes, been garaged, $900. 903 439 3219

I have a tote bag full of little boys clothes sizes 18 months to 4t, vary of them, some jeans and long sleeves asking $25 for the whole bag or you can choose what you want, also have a heavy oak coffee table excellent condition just rearranging and do not need anymore asking $80 or best offer call or text or leave a message 903.440-5523

For Sale: a brush haul of cut small trees. If interested, or for more details, please call 903-348-6058.

For Sale: two toddler beds. One is for a boy and one is for a girl. Asking $30 each for the beds. Also, for sale, a high chair for $20 and a play pin for $20. If interested, or for more info., please call Daryl or Julie, at 903-440-3609.

Free: a pedestal style dinning room table. It has a marble top. You can let the side down to get it through the door. You must come get it. If interested, or for more details, please call 903-243-0811.

Trading Post

Author: KSST Webmaster

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