Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report — September 2020
On Wednesday, September 1, 2020, Sulphur Springs City Council received from City Manager Marc Maxwell the monthly manager’s report:
The number of active cases in Hopkins County maintains a range of 30 to 70 cases. We currently have 47 active cases in Hopkins County. The state recently tested 483 people at the civic center, and I expect an increase in active cases over the next few days. We have had 196 recoveries in Hopkins County.
The Capital Construction Division is finished preparing the pad site for the Grays building. The soil for the site came from the drainage way just south of Spring Street (behind the pawn shop). This gives us the added benefit of increased storm water retention which will further reduce the threat of flooding on Oak Avenue.
The construction manager solicited bids for various contracts for foundation, structural, HVAC, etc. You will consider those bids later on the agenda. City staff will perform all dirt work, construct all sidewalks and on-street parking. Staff will also perform all plumbing and electrical work.
We have hired REES Associates to design the senior citizens building. The design process is underway. REES is working closely with the design committee to design a building that is both functional and pleasing to the eye. I expect the design process to conclude this month.
After that we will begin building the pad with soil that will also be taken from the drainage way south of Spring Street. When we are done building the pad we will have greatly reduced the threat of flooding on Oak Avenue, and we will have significantly raised the elevation of the site as well. It is the proverbial win-win.
Atmos is still replacing their gas line on this project. I expected them to be done by now, but it hasn’t worked out that way. At this point I don’t feel comfortable estimating a completion date for Atmos.
Construction has begun on this street. The Capital Construction Division is making rapid progress. Installation of the new sewer main is nearly completed. I expect them to complete the sewer main next week. Construction on the new water main will be next. The water pipe is already ordered.
The construction is complete!
We did not have any workers compensation claims in August. We did have one liability claim from an attorney on behalf of Michael Polnac. I expect this claim to become a lawsuit.
Finance Director Lesa Smith will not give a year-to-date report of revenues and expenditures since she has previously presented the proposed budget including a year-end estimate of the current year’s budget. Lesa will present a year-end review next month.
Elsewhere around the city, employees:
- Rehabbed the belt press building at the wastewater treatment plant.
- Performed repairs on the chlorination system at the wastewater treatment plant.
- Treated wastewater effluent to a daily average total suspended solids reading of.67 mg/L.
- Repaired 17 water main ruptures.
- Unstopped 35 sewer mains.
- Repaired 4 sewer mains.
- Washed 80,000 feet of water mains.
- Made repairs to #1 clear well at the water treatment plant.
- Flushed 36 dead-end water mains.
- Treated 196 million gallons of potable water.
- Made 5 extensive street repairs following utility repairs.
- Patched 108 potholes.
- Replaced 31 STOP signs, 10 NO PARKING, and 12 STREET signs.
- Repaired a section of Teer Street with 78 cubic yards of concrete.
- Conducted 34 building inspections, 24 electrical inspections, 20 plumbinginspections, 9 mechanical inspections and issued 30 building permits.
- Sold 2,147 gallons of AvGas and 5,131 gallons of JetA fuel.
- Cleaned the fountain wall at the Hopkins County Veterans Memorial.

Marc Maxwell
City Manager
201 N Davis Street
Sulphur Springs, TX