Ten new positive COVID-19 cases were reported over the weekend, but there were also 11 recoveries reported Sept. 28 in Hopkins County, which reduced the overall number of coronavirus cases to 91, according to

That’s 39 Hopkins County residents who have received new positive novel coronavirus 2019 results in the last week and 107 so far this month; that’s the most new cases reported for Hopkins County during a single month. That brings the cumulative total since March to 350 Hopkins County COVID-19 cases.
Monday was the first time in a week that Hopkins County residents were reported to have recovered from COVID-19. Overall, that’s 63 recoveries reported this week and 259 recoveries overall since March.
The number of patients in the COVID-19 unit at CHRISTUS Mother Frances Hospital– Sulphur Springs also increased over the last days, rising from 10 in the COVID unit on Friday to a whopping 17 cases in the Covid Unit on Sept. 28. That’s the most patients reported in the COVID-19 unit at one time since local officials began reporting that information in the last few months. Previously, it was 16 patients on Sept. 23.

Sulphur Springs ISD also on Sept. 28 notified families, students and staff that another Sulphur Springs High School staff member has been lab-confirmed to have COVID-19. That’s at least 9 district employees and 10 district students.

Cumby ISD also has reported additional high school student cases on Sept. 24, 25 and 27. Those students are expected to return to school on Oct. 7 and 5, respectively. Overall, that’s 8 high school students and three staff members who have received positive COVID-19 results since Aug. 7.
Free COVID-19 testing resumed in Hopkins County Friday afternoon, with 52 tests performed through 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26. COVID-19 testing will continue to be offered Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Hopkins County Annex Building, located at 128-A Jefferson St. That’s the small building located behind the County tax office and Justices of the Peace offices.
Those testing are asked to register at GoGetTested.com. There are no requirements such as symptoms or exposure for testing. However, those who plan to test should not eat or drink anything for 15 minutes prior to being swabbed. Results are typically available in 48-96 hours. Walk-ins are welcome.
No new COVID-19 deaths have been assigned by Texas Department of State Health Services to Hopkins County, although there have been 8 reported so far by the state.
Texas Health and Human Services reported there were 11 active employee cases and 12 active resident cases of COVID-19 at Carriage House Manor on Sept. 14, the most recent data available in the Sept. 28 state nursing homes report.
No active cases were reported at Sulphur Springs assisted living facilities as of Sept. 14 nor were any cases reported at Hopkins County child care centers on Sept. 27, according to the HHS reports.