Local Farmer Gets a Surprise: Advises to Be Watchful of Snakes!

Marlon Webb, an organic farmer in the Arbala Community was surprised what Trixie found in the yard, and even more surprised that she immediately knew what to do with the find! The 33-inch copperhead was killed by the pup not far from the house and walking paths the family uses. Webb said “she bit it in the center of it’s body, and surprisingly, she didn’t get bitten. We stretched it out and it was pretty big for a copperhead. Trix has already earned her stripes for a lifetime with this! We had just gotten her during the holidays! So I guess finding stuff is just in her genes.”

Trix, a 12-week-old Blue Heeler pup killed a copperhead in her yard on January 27

Webb went on to say, “Please tell everyone that the snakes are active, and to be careful when working flowerbeds, also watch where you step and where you put your hands!”

Author: Enola Gay

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