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Police Follow Trail Of Parts To Sleeping Man In Damaged Truck

Sulphur Springs police followed a trail of car parts to a man in a Dodge Ram pickup with front end damage early Thursday morning.

Officers had responded to complaints of multiple crashes. They observed what was found to be a trail of vehicle parts, and followed it from the 500 block of Woodlawn Street to the 900 block of North Hillcrest Drive. There, police reported seeing a blue pickup that had apparently sustained heavy front end damage. A man could be seen inside of it; the man appeared to be asleep in the driver’s seat, police reported.

After a period of time, officers were able to awaken the man. Police alleged alcohol emitted from his breath, he was unsteady on his feet, spoke with mumbling slurred speech and had bloodshot eyes. The officer alleged he attempted to administer field sobriety tests, but the man was unable to perform them.

The 27-year-old Sulphur Springs man was taken to jail, where he refused to provide a blood sample for analysis. A search warrant was obtained, requiring a blood draw. Samples were taken at 3:07 a.m., then, the man was booked into jail for accident involving damage estimated at more than $200 and driving while intoxicated, both Class B misdemeanor offenses, according to arrest reports.

He remained in the county jail shortly before noon May 23. His bond was set at $1,000 per charge, according to jail reports.


Author: KSST Contributor

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