(October 14, 2016, Commerce, Texas) The Northeast Texas Children’s Museum celebrated an exciting year at the annual Donors’ Open House. With record-setting attendance and giving, the year 2016 should be recognized. Summer attendance set a record with 7,249 visitors. As of September 30, attendance for the first nine months was over 25,000 visitors. The goal for the year is to have 30,000 visitors by December, 2016. “This kind of success can only happen with a team effort that includes all our Board of Directors, volunteers, donors, and staff, ” said Sharline Freeman, Children’s Museum Director. A highlight of the year was the donation of the ship S. S. Good Neighbor by Bob and Dixie Stachowiak of State Farm Insurance. The development of the outdoor area also included the completion of Sullivan River, the dry river bed, in the Great Outdoor Discovery Area.
A group of donors who have supported the Northeast Texas Children’s Museum since 1994 was also recognized. This group, led by David Gibson, met and planned for a children’s museum for eight years before opening in 2002. Other continuous donors for twenty-three years included Dr. Keith and Nancy McFarland; Dr. Howard and Freda Lambert; Wyman and Harriet Williams; and Pat and Janet Skauge.
As the Children’s Museum begins its fifteenth year of operation, the focus of the museum is to continue to develop new and exciting exhibits for children. The mission of the Northeast Texas Children’s Museum is to inspire imagination, enhance creativity and build confidence in children. The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 9:30 to 4:30.