For Sale: collectable Barbie Dolls, they are in original boxes, will not sale them separately, asking $325 for more information call: 903-885-7536
Free: Part Pit bull puppies they are 8 weeks old, located 3.7 miles south of Como of Highway 69, there is a sign at driveway. For more details call: 903-488-3436
For Sale: Set of working harnesses with 20 inch collars made by Billy Cook, asking $800, need more details call 903-348-3421
Free: Black Lab/ Springer mix male puppies, they are healthy and intelligent, They are also old enough to begin training to hunt, they are good dogs for protecting property or as house companions, there is only 3 left.. for more information call: 903-885-2703
For Sale: Nice, large wooden dining room table with 4 chairs for $100. Call 903-885-4714