Don Roundtree is a consultant to the Sulphur Springs ISD on the Auditorium Renovation Project. Thursday evening Roundtree made a presentation on renovation plans. Lots of the work involving making the facility ADA compliant satisfying the needs of the handicapped. There will also be a sprinkler system. Seating will be reduced from 1500 to 1250 due to ADA issues. Curtains and all the seats will be replaced. Expect state of the art lighting and audio visual equipment. Water leaking into the facility hopefuly will be solved.
Roundtree said bids on the building will be submitted Tuesday, May 19. Following a couple of weeks of evaluating the various purposals including sealed purposals, selections will be made based on the best value of bids given. Recommendations will then be taken to the school board at their next meeting. The school board will approve the bids for the project. On June 22, access to the building will be available. Asbetos tiles will be removed first. The next step is for the county to remove the current seats, which will be replaced by new seats. Anticipated completion date for the renovation is in January. Roundtree would not commit to a specific completion date.
Entrances will be changed. Firewalls will be installed as will air-lock vestibules that will assist with sound.