Chamber Connection June 23rd 2016 By Lezley Brown
Chamber Connection June 23rd 2016 By Lezley Brown Well, here it is… my first Chamber Connection! My name is Lezley Brown and I have been named the new President and CEO of the Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce. It is truly my honor to serve Hopkins County in this role, and I wanted to say thank you for all of the support already given by numerous members of Hopkins County. As a Chamber, we look forward to finding new ways to...
Lezley Brown Set To Resign From Hopkins County Chamber: New Applicants Sought
PRESS RELEASE: Chamber to hire new President/CEOLezley Brown, the current President/CEO of the Hopkins County Chamber of Commerceannounced to the Chamber Board of Directors Thursday, January 7, that she will be resigning herposition at the Chamber in the middle of April. Brown told the Board, “These five years havebeen some of my favorite in all of my career. I have met amazing people and learned more thanI ever imagined I would. I...
Meet & Greet Welcomes Lezley Brown
Please help us welcome the new President/CEO of the Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce, Lezley Brown at a come & go meet & greet Thursday June 30th, from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Also make sure to attend the Chocolate Finale Ribbon Cutting June 30th at 12:00 Noon. Contact the Chamber of Commerce at 300 W. Connally, Sulphur Springs, TX with any questions. The Chamber board looks forward to seeing all at the Chamber of...
Ella Byrd Reirdon Brown
Funeral services for Ella Byrd Reirdon Brown, age 79, of Sulphur Springs, will be held at 1:00 p.m., Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at West Oaks Funeral Home chapel with Bradley Edge and Chris Brown officiating. Interment will follow at Restlawn Memorial Park with Chris Brown, James McMahan, Jake Morrill, Landon Burke, Steve Littlefield, and Kevin Brewer serving as pallbearers. Jett Morrill, Dorsey Reirdon, Joe Reirdon, Henry Woodruff,...
Brown Named Chamber of Commerce President and CEO
The Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce named Lezley Brown President and CEO of the Chamber following her election by the board. Mrs. Brown said representing Hopkins County has always been her desire. She is committed to a positive approach in promoting business and industry, striving for their success, and bringing n awareness to local businesses that will help make Hopkins County a wonderful place to live. Commending the board for...
DBA Sponsoring April 17 Spring Market On Main
Chamber Connection- April 7, 2021 By Lezley Brown, President/CEO, Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce The Chamber is certainly a busy place right now! We are looking forward to a wonderful golf tournament this Friday at Sulphur Springs Country Club. If you would still like to sign up to play, we have room in the morning flight. Here’s to crossing our fingers that the rain stays away, and the day is absolutely beautiful! Downtown...
HC Chamber of Commerce Report for March 31, 2021
Current Chamber President and CEO Lezley Brown Chamber Connection- March 31, 2021 by Lezley Brown Please don’t forget that tomorrow is the day! You are invited to welcome our new President/CEO to the Chamber on Thursday, April 1 st from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Chamber is located at 110 Main Street in Sulphur Springs. Please make plans to stop by and welcome Butch Burney to the Chamber family. We look forward to seeing you! The annual...
Chamber Connection: Event Planned April 1 To Welcome New President/CEO
By Lezley Brown, President/CEO, Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce We have something special to put on your calendars! You are invited to welcome our new President/CEO to the Chamber on Thursday, April 1, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Chamber is located at 110 Main Street in Sulphur Springs. Please make plans to stop by and welcome Butch Burney to the Chamber family. We look forward to seeing you! This weather is making us think about...
Chamber Connection: Safe-T Anniversary Celebration, Pacheco Spine Ribbon Cutting Scheduled Later This Month
By Lezley Brown, President/CEO, Hopkins County Chamber of Commerce This weather is making us think about golf, and our annual tournament is getting close to full! If you are interested in playing, call the Chamber at (903) 885-6515 to reserve your spot. We will have morning and afternoon tee times available. The tourney is set for Friday, April 9. It’s going to be a great day! SAFE-T Crisis Center to celebrate their 14th Anniversary...