Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

“Updated” Capital Street Improvements Planned

The city of Sulphur Springs Capital Construction Crew began work on Lamar Street Monday on a new sewer line. Also planned are a new water line and a rebuild of the street. After that the crew will work to put in a new 12-inch water line along FM 2285 from Highway 19 to out past the Lake Sulphur Springs Dam. City Manager Marc Maxwell says after that the city will do another 1,000 feet of improvement to Rockdale Road not only rebuilding the street but also adding a new water line. Maxwell says next will be a major sewer upgrade to an overloaded line along South Broadway from Duckworth Street to Drexel Drive. The very deep sewer upgrade, to be done by a contractor, will require either a deep dig or a boring process. Then comes the city’s next big project: new water and sewer lines, some drainage improvements and a complete rebuild of Bill Bradford Road. All the projects are part of the city’s current Capital Improvement Project.

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