Tira News March 1, 2019

By Jan Vaughn

I appreciate Mick Petty letting me know about the burial of Zelma Hargrave
McCullough. Her memorial service was held on February 21, 2019, under the direction of West Oaks Funeral Home. Please be in prayer for her family.

Mick, also, informed me that a huge cedar tree blew down in the old section of the Tira Cemetery. It will be removed when the ground is not so wet.

Joyce Dodd reports that the next Bible study at the Tira Methodist Church is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. on March 5th . She adds, “Anyone who is interested is very welcome.”

Martha Payton enjoyed a long visit with her daughter, Regina. While she was here, Martha reports that they took care of several chores that needed attention, visited with neighbors, and had a “lot of conversation.” She shared, “We attended church at the Tira Methodist Church,
heard a good message from our pastor, Clyde Bostick, and enjoyed the fellowship with everyone. Also, enjoyed our lunches out and did some shopping.” Regina returned to Victoria on Tuesday morning “after a nice visit.”

On Saturday, February 23 rd , Chip and the Sulphur Springs Middle School Destination Imagination (DI) team, that he helps coach, went to Mesquite for the regional competition. They ended up just a few points behind first place in their category and later got the exciting news that they earned a wild card spot at the next level, along with the Sulphur Springs first place teams! The state competition will be in Corpus Christi in March. Chip and I are, also, excited about the North Hopkins DI teams, who competed at the regional meet for the first time this year and had good results. One of the NH teams learned that they will get to advance to the state competition
in a wild card position, too!

Yvonne Weir, Brenda Allen, and I met at Chili’s on Friday for a late birthday lunch for Brenda. We had a nice visit.

Chip had a birthday on Friday, February 22nd . His celebration started on Wednesday, February 20th , with friends from church. We met Shirley Charles, Keith and Frances Klein, and Phil and Carla Kenley for dinner and cake at Juan Pablo’s. We kept our great-grandsons, Rylan, Brailon, and Slaiden Joslin, for a few hours on Friday evening, and then Chip’s mother and sister, Grace and Linda Ellen Vaughn, joined us for his birthday lunch on Sunday. Kenden stopped by to eat, too. Tiffany was in McKinney visiting her friend, Stephanie, and Jaidyn was with Malcolm. On Sunday night, after attending the Rehoboth Baptist Association Evangelism Rally at First Baptist Church in Sulphur Springs, Tiffany, Jaidyn, Kenden and his girlfriend,
Whitney, went out to eat with us.

I always need and appreciate input from my friends to help keep me informed of news in our community. If you have any news pertaining to Tira residents, past or present, please contact me, Jan Vaughn, at 903-945-2190 or 903-438-6688 or [email protected]

Author: Savannah Everett

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