October 5th Proclaimed Hopkins County Beef Day

With more than 40,000 beef cows producing more than 32,000 calves with net revenue of more than $38.4 million dollars per year, Hopkins County Commissioners named October 5th Hopkins County Beef Day during their Monday morning session, October 1, 2018. County Judge Robert Newsom read the proclamation.

P r o c l a m a t i o n


WHEREAS,   The Hopkins County Commissioner’s Court is proud to recognize the men and woman dedicated to beef production in Hopkins County; and

WHEREAS,     Hopkins County currently has more than 40,000 beef cows producing more than 32,000 calves with net revenue of more than $38.4 million dollars per year; and

WHEREAS,    Feed companies, farm equipment dealers, livestock auctions, banks, insurance agents, real estate agents, county government contractors and employees of all above; and

WHEREAS,    NETBIO is a non-profit organization comprised of independent cow-calf producers and agribusiness representatives working together to enhance the beef industry and the local economy by improving cattle genetics, management practices, enhance production, and added value of their product and has marketed more than 400,000 preconditioned calves for a gross sales of more than $300 million dollars; and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,that the Hopkins County Commissioner’s Court hereby designates October 5, 2018 as Hopkins County Beef Day and recognizes the many men and women who have made the beef industry one of the most important agricultural industries in Northeast Texas.

Author: Staff Reporter

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