Texas A-F Grading System Rates SSISD “B”; Superintendent Lamb Says the District is More Than A Score

The Texas A-F grading system for public schools rated Sulphur Springs ISD, along with over 300 Texas districts, with a grade of “B”. Superintendent Michael Lamb said the district is pleased to receive the grade but is unsure of how much it reveals about the district.

Lamb noted that the grade signifies the district has “…done good things…” but he stated the district knows what it is attempting to accomplish and where it stands in progress toward that accomplishment. Lamb said comparing the grade of one district with another is difficult. He noted the complaints about the system are based on 1200 data points that affect the grade. He said socio-economic, growth of the district, sub-population groups; test scores in each district also have an effect on the scoring.  

Lamb said the biggest goal of the local district at this time is for students to read on grade level. At this time, the district seeks to have all third grade students read on grade level. This will enable the reading level to be maintained as students promote through the system. Reading at third grade level serves as a foundation. He also noted that improvement in writing, science, and math are vital as well. However, reading is a key to success in those subjects.

“We’re not all about scores,” Lamb said. He noted that the grading system does present avenues of improvement that can lead to discovery of specific needs and answers to those needs.  Lamb said the score does not indicate what students are receiving in construction class, theater, band, athletics, and other opportunities offered students in SSISD.

Author: Staff Reporter

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