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Walk and Talk Reaches Half-way Point By Johanna Hicks

Walk & Talk Reaches Half-way Point

Several years ago, an initiative was created to encourage individuals to get up and get active.  “Walk Across Texas” is designed to inspire physical activity and comradery among teams of up to eight people with the ultimate goal of logging 833 miles (distance from Beaumont to El Paso) during an 8-week period.  The on-line link allows participants to calculate miles according to the type of physical activity they achieve.  They can also log their miles each week which is automatically totaled.  In the past, we have had county employees, school teachers, classrooms, and churches participating.

For the past three years, “Walk and Talk” has been implemented at the Early Childhood Learning Center for interested parents and staff.  This year’s event started in October, and we’ve just reached the half-way point.  The difference between “Walk Across Texas” and “Walk & Talk” is that the latter is held face-to-face and has a nutrition element, with discussion focusing on healthy eating and increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables.  Each week features a different topic and incentive items to reinforce the subject are distributed to those attending.  Items have included shopping pads, collapsible measuring cups, veggie peelers, and pedometers.  Following the brief nutrition segment, we walk together!  Some parents even include their small children in strollers.

The ECLC group of 16 logged over 570 miles during the first three weeks of participation, so they are guaranteed to far surpass the 833 mile goal!  We will conclude the series on December 6 with an awards celebration for the individuals who walked the most miles, progressed the most, and had the most team spirit.

Note: The picture was taken on week two of Walk & Talk, which also fell on Red Ribbon Week – thus the pajamas and hair curlers on one of the participants!

If your organization, business, or school is interested in learning more about Walk Across Texas or Walk & Talk, please visit the website:  You may also contact our office and I’ll be glad to help!


More on Health

I recently had the opportunity to participate in my National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Conference in Omaha, Nebraska and brought home some great information.  The topic for one of our speakers was “Essential Elements to Living Well”, and I took a few notes I’d like to share with you.

1)       Normal Numbers Now – strive to have normal numbers, which include blood pressure, cholesterol, Hemoglobin A1c, and weight.

2)      Critique Calorie Consumption – eat healthy foods and focus on increasing fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats, such as fish.

3)      Make Movement Mandatory – everyone should strive for at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily.  You should include aerobic and strength activities.

4)      Address Addiction/ Halt Harmful Habits – this includes tobacco use, alcohol, drugs, anger issues, etc.

5)      Meticulously Manage Money and Minutes – don’t be consumed with superficial appearance and entertainment.

6)      Graciously Give your Gifts – give your time, talents, and conversation for the betterment of others.

7)      Forgive and Fast Forward – anger destroys, but forgiveness heals in dealing with family, friends, and foes.

8)      Passionately Pursue Purpose and Priorities – be able to say who you are in 25 words or less.

9)      Stifle Stress/ Sever Suffering – stress is inevitable, but how we handle stress can make or break us.  Focus on the positive.

10)   Periodically Pause, Ponder, Pray, and Plan – reflect on life, meditate to calm your spirit, and ponder your blessings.

11)   Seek and Secure Support – external factors have great influence on us, so seek friends and family who love and support you.


Closing Thought

I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true.  I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live up to what light I might have – Abraham Lincoln

Johanna Hicks
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Family & Consumer Sciences
1200-B W. Houston
P.O.Box 518
Sulphur springs, TX 75483
903-885-3443 – phone
903-439-4909 – Fax
[email protected]

Author: Savannah Everett

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