Terrific Tuesdays Goal Crosses Finish Line with “Walk to Remember”

The Terrific Tuesdays annual fundraiser reached and even exceeded it’s goal of $10,000 with the “Walk to Remember” in the hospital Gardens. The final total, counting all the Mini-Walks, private donations and registration/T-shirt sales in the final hour, amounted to $10,891. This ensures another year of the Tuesday Respite program for local sufferers of Alzheimers and other dementia. The program is held at First United Methodist Church on Tuesdays from 9am til 2pm, facilitated by Director Tammy Reardon and her staff of volunteers. To find out more, contact 903-885-1661. Walk organizer Karon Weatherman thanks everyone who came out to honor the memory of loved ones lost due to Alzheimers and dementia and the family members, health professionals and caregivers who valiantly care for survivors today.




Author: Enola Gay

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