Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Suspects Identified in Auto Burglaries

Suspects in the 23 auto break-ins over the weekend have been identified by the Sulphur Springs Special Crimes Unit according to law enforcement sources. A long night for local police officers and sheriff’s deputies and investigators led to the possible break in the case. Local law enforcement hopes to have arrests in the case in the new two days.

Law enforcement will continue to monitor closely the activities in residential areas at night. They continue to remind citizens to lock their auto doors and to remove valuable items from the autos at night.


The thefts are occurring at night and over the weekend the area bounded by Carter, Jefferson, and I-30 saw the most activity. Sanders said that one auto whose door was opened had an in-the-box new Glock AR sitting in the front seat that was not taken. He says those breaking into the unlocked autos are only taking loose change, cell phones, and other small value items. Locked autos are not being molested.


Sanders says that if people will just lock the doors to their autos it will limit the thefts. 


Author: Staff Reporter

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