Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Tuna Trio Does Vegas

The citizens of the small town of Tuna, Texas take on the big city in “Tuna Does Vegas”. Catch the antics at Main Street Theater in downtown Sulphur Springs at 227 Main Street. Performances are scheduled for May 12-14 and May 19-21 at 7 pm and in Matinees on May 15 and 22 at 2 pm. Tickets are $10 person, make reservations by calling the box office at 9030885-0107 or going online at

“Tuna Does Vegas” is the fourth in a series of plays written by Ed Howard, Joe Sears and Jaston Williams, a series which premiered in 1981 with “Greater Tuna”. Local actors David Woody, Pip Bickford and Brian Deterdeen, play 16 different people from the town of Tuna, portraying both men and women and with voice and costume changes needed for each character in each scene. As the hilarity develops onstage, the non-stop exchanges between the Tuna troupe requires a busy bevy of assistants.  Each actor has his own crew of dressers behind the stage, responsible for wigs, mustaches, shoes, jewelry, makeup, accessories and props required by each character.

Woody has the most seniority of the trio, having been a member of Community Players for 27 years, since before the players had a permanent home stage. His first local role was “Hawkeye” in M*A*S*H* staged at Fall Festival, a production underwritten by KSST.  During the nearly three decades since, he’s been instrumental in all aspects of production from set design to direction at Main Street Theater. This summer, along with Leah Connor, Woody will co-direct the Children’s Theatre Workshop in which local children can get hands-on instruction in the many fascinating aspects of live community theater. Find out how to register your child for the Workshop by going to


Author: Enola Gay

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