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Local Library Offers OverDrive Digital Library for Patrons

The Sulphur Springs Public Library is now offering Digital eBooks, Audiobooks, Periodicals and Videos. This service is powered by OverDrive and is provided for free to all library card holders.

Users may browse the library’s Overdrive website, borrow titles with a valid library card, and start reading, listening or watching on all major computers and devices, including iPhone, iPad, Nook, Android phones and tablets, and Kindle. All titles will automatically expire at the end of the lending period. There are no late fees.

“If you are unsure of how eBooks work or how to load them onto your device, bring your device to the library and any library staff member is happy to assist you,” Hope Cain, Director of Sulphur Springs Public Library, said.

Sulphur Springs Public Library has joined with 64 other area library directors including Paris, Tyler, Mt. Pleasant, Rockwall County, Rains County, Quitman, Mesquite Public, Longview, Commerce, and others into a shared eBook library provided through Overdrive, meaning that all eBook purchases are available through one large digital library. Over 90,000 eBooks and Audiobooks are available. Libraries involved in OverDrive will purchase new eBooks throughout the year, offering new additions every day.

Due to the fact that multiple libraries share OverDrive, popular books may have a long waiting list despite having been bought multiple times. Some books, however, have a yellow check mark, meaning that they are exclusive to Sulphur Springs Public Library card holders. Exclusive books include: Killing Patton, Outlander, Gray Mountain, Ruby, Go Set a Watchman, Kingdom Woman, Unbroken, Kingdom Man, Night, Girl with a Pearl Earring, The Promise, Girl on the Train, and Make Me.

Since OverDrive opened eBook rentals in October 2014, 99 Sulphur Springs users have checked out 2,012 eBooks and Audiobooks. SSPL will be promoting the use of eReaders over the next year of 2016. March and April are adult summer program months, June and July have summer reading programs for kids, and October is the teen program month. Some of these programs will have giveaways. More information on the giveaways and OverDrive can be found at

Author: Staff Reporter

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