Miller Grove News

Miller Grove News

Christmas has slipped up on us once again this year. It seems like it is so long away in the summer months and then, all of a sudden, it’s time to put up the Christmas Tree and prepare for the holidays. I hope everyone will remember the true reason for the season, despite how commercial this very meaningful holiday has become. Each year I hear children and even some adults quoting what they want for Christmas in anticipation and for some reason it always makes me think of my grandparents. They would tell me what Christmas was like when they were growing up and how happy they were to receive the little bit each of them would get for Christmas. A typical Christmas in that day and time (1920s & 30s) would consist of one or two pieces of fruit, possibly one toy, a piece of candy, and maybe a new homemade clothes item (like a dress or shirt). They would always tell me how happy they were when Christmas would come around and they would make decorations for the tree they would cut down in a pasture. My, how things have changed over the last 80 or so years. The depression years would tough, but I think valuable lessons were learned and being wasteful was not an option.

On Sunday, Dec. 6, my uncle James Ragan was honored at our church. He decided to step down as being an active deacon. He had been a deacon of Brashear Baptist Church for many years and recognition was well deserved. Several people in the congregation stood and relayed a story or heartfelt “thank you” to James for his service to the church and the example he has set over the years. The church gave James a new Bible and gave he and my aunt Margaret tickets to see the Gaither Homecoming show when it comes to Texas in May. James’ daughter Sherry asked me to snap a few pictures that day while they were in front of the congregation and as I returned to my pew to be seated I looked over and noticed the new Bible the church gave James. His old Bible was there beside the new, tattered around the edges with creases and wrinkles in the leather cover – the spine being worn enough that it looked as if it were ready to crumble any minute. At that time I realized that we should all strive for our Bibles to look that way – worn from use. If you have had a Bible for years and it looks brand new then you should start using it more often (me included). It reminds me of an old song Kitty Wells used to sing called “Dust on the Bible”. If you get a chance to look it up on the Internet or elsewhere, take a few minutes to listen to the words; it has a good meaning.

Happy Birthday to the following: Juan Velasco & Teresa Burns Dec. 18; Larry Slatter on Dec. 19; Cathy Millard & Lavanna Wilcox on Dec. 20; Nathan George & Sandra Jones on Dec. 21; Monty Tips on Dec. 22; Beth (Millsap) Adams on Dec. 23; Bettie (Varnon) Garrett, Chet Ragan, Evelyn Echeverio & Vandie (Kerby) McCoy on Dec. 25; and Karyn Petty on Dec. 26.

Happy 7th Anniversary to Halston and Pamela Potts on Dec. 20.

Miller Grove School Board is still planning the early phases of the new elementary addition. The projected completion date is Sept. 2016. Within the next few weeks the campus will begin to change visually. The current portable buildings will be moved so that dirt work can begin and hopefully we will be off and running.

I hope everyone has a great Christmas celebrating Jesus’ birth and a Safe, Happy, and Healthy year in 2016.

As you travel the highways and byways don’t forget that all roads lead back home and back to Miller Grove. Please send me any newsworthy information. My email address is [email protected].

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