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Tira News by Jan Vaughn


tira1We want to express our sympathy to the family of Mamie Lou (Weir) Reaves. Her funeral service was held at the Tira Methodist Church on Wednesday afternoon. The community provided a meal for the family at the Community Center, prior to the service. Please remember Lou’s husband, Leroy, and the rest of her family in your prayers.

The North Hopkins School Fall Carnival, which was originally planned for October 23rd, has been rescheduled for Friday evening, November 13th. Make plans to bring the kids for fun and games.

Joyce Dodd and her son, Michael, enjoyed a trip to Hot Springs, Arkansas last Wednesday and Thursday. Joyce reports that the Garvin Woodland Gardens are always beautiful. She said that they were putting up lights for their spectacular Christmas display and she would encourage everyone to consider making it a point to visit the gardens. She and Michael went to an old rock shop that they had visited many years ago, and they enjoyed a couple of trips up the mountains. The first time was too foggy to see much. She commented that the trip is an easy drive and a nice way to spend a couple of days.

Robert and Wesley Weir enjoyed the fall carnival at Three Rusty Nails Church in Cooper Saturday evening. On Sunday Yvonne participated in the 5th annual Legacy Hospice Memorial. She commented that it was very special.

Morgan Joslin spent last weekend in Bastrop at a Civil Air Patrol camp.

I was reminded, by a caring community member, that our volunteer firefighters deserve a word of thanks. They perform an important duty in our community. They are looking to add new members in the department.

Congratulations are in order for Sherry Smiddy, of Tira, who was elected to the North Hopkins School Board, and to incumbent Robert McPherson. A word of thanks is due to outgoing member, Justin Holland, for his contribution to the board during his tenure.

We enjoyed visits from several trick-or-treaters on Halloween evening.

Yvonne Weir, of Tira, and Brenda Allen, of Yantis, treated me to a late birthday lunch at Lou Viney’s on Tuesday. We had a nice visit and Brenda shared some pictures from the trip that she and Yvonne took to Ireland.

We are only a month away from the Community Christmas party, which is scheduled for the evening of Saturday, December 5th.  Residents and friends of the community are encouraged to make plans to attend and enjoy a time of good food and fellowship. We received word that Santa Claus is planning to stop by and visit with the children!

I always need and appreciate input from my friends to help keep me informed of news in our community. If you have any news pertaining to Tira residents, past or present, please contact me, Jan Vaughn, at 903-945-2190 or 903-438-6688 or [email protected].


Author: Staff Reporter

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