2022 4-H Achievement Banquet: Carroll, Reyes Receive Awards For Outstanding Leadership

Each year, an achievement banquet is held to recognize Hopkins County 4-H members and leaders for their achievements and outstanding leadership over the past year. At the 2022 Hopkins County 4-H Achievement Banquet, Rylie Carroll and Tammy Reyes were honored for outstanding leadership, while the new county 4-H council officers were recognized, and several other 4-H members received certificates for their accomplishments.

Extension Agent Johanna Hicks and Rylie Carroll, 2022 4-H Member Leadership Award recipient

Carroll, a junior at Sulphur Springs High School this year, received the 4-H Members Leadership Award. She has been a 4-H member for 8 years, during which time she has excelled at the county, district and state levels, and has even earned national recognition.

She earned the Texas 4-H Capitol Experience, designated for the top 10 Healthy Texas Youth Ambassadors who have accumulated the most volunteer hours. She also serves on the State 4-H Council and will continue as a Healthy Texas Youth Ambassador for the 2022-2023 4-H year.

“Public speaking, fashion and interior design, food show, and food challenge events have allowed her to experience competition on the county, district and state levels. But, it is her leadership and community service involvement that garnered attention on all levels. With young people like Rylie, our future is bright. Congratulations, Rylie, on a job well done!” Hopkins County Family and Community Health Agent Johanna Hicks said, when presenting Carroll with a gift bag and hug.

Hicks also announced Patty Reyes as the recipient of the 2022 Outstanding 4-H Leader of the Year award.

Hopkins County Extension Agent Johanna Hicks and Patty Reyes, 2022 Outstanding 4-H Leader of the Year

“Every year, we have such a difficult time selecting the Outstanding 4-H leader of the year , because we have so many parents and volunteers who go above and beyond to make our 4-H program stronger,” Hicks said.

Hicks noted Reyes to be extremely supportive of the county-wide 4-H events such as the Christmas party, promoting the Multi-County 4-H Camp, community service projects, and attending parent meetings in conjunction with the County 4-H Council.

Hicks also presented Mrs. Reyes with a gift bag to show appreciation for her hard work for 4-H and Extension.

Students too receive junior, intermediate and senior recognition, record book recognition, first year members, Clover Star recognition and Cover Price recognition at Saturday’s 2022 Achievement Banquet.

Installed as 2022-2023 Hopkins County 4-H Council officers were President Rylie Carroll, Vice President of Programs Alexis Villarino, Vice President of Recreation Lena Reyes, Secretary RJ Duffey, Treasurer Diego Childs, Parliamentarian Ethan George; Reporter Jaqlynn Chapman was unable to attend the meeting. Carroll, Reyes and Blaine Allen were also recognized as Council Delegates.

Several members and supporters were unable to attend the banquet held Saturday at League Street Church of Christ, including the planned speaker. So, as is often the case with 4-H, those present accepted the invitation from Hicks and Agriculture/Natural Resources Agent Mario Villarino to share their experiences with and the impact 4-H has had in their lives and that of their family.

2022-2023 Hopkins County 4-H County Officers: President Rylie Carroll, Vice President of Programs Alexis Villarino, Vice President of Recreation Lena Reyes, Secretary RJ Duffey, Treasurer Diego Childs, Parliamentarian Ethan George, and (not pictured) Reporter Jaqlynn Chapman

Hicks noted that 4-H is the largest youth organization in the country, and offered opportunities for youth to earn scholarships. Villarino explained he got his start in Extension thanks to the veterinary science program. He was involved with dairy showing while working with USDA. At a Dallas center event, he saw the potential for kids to become 4-H agents.

Carroll is a third generation 4-H’er. She jokes she was practically forced into it, but has found it to be a great experience. She’s grown through public speaking as well as in social skills through various involvement in the program. She said 4-H has given her some great friends and leadership opportunities she would never have imagined possible including Texas 4-H Council.

She said her experiences so far have been great and can’t wait to see what new ventures are yet to come.

One grandmother noted 4-H provides a safe, positive place for her grandson, Diego Childs, to grow and flourish, exploring areas he might not have otherwise explored. Some have include archery, speech writing and photography. She said it reinforces something they emphasize, giving not receiving. 4-H has been especially effective in instilling in him the need and desire to perform community service.

Diego Childs extended thanks to Hicks and Villarino, and believes every youth age 10-18 should become involved with 4-H. It’s a life-changing organization. Leadership and public speaking are two areas in participation has changed him, not only helping them learn to speak but also how to conduct himself.

Lena Reyes has become good at cooking, which allows her to be creative with spices. She currently does about half of the cooking at home. She also become involved in speaking events.

Ethan George’s mom said not only is she a third generation 4-H, but is proud Ethan continues the family tradition. In fact, she said it is because of 4-H trip that she has him. In her youth, met his dad while on an out-of-state 4-H trip for a dairy show. They corresponded by mail, sending letter during high school. (There were no portable cell phones and easy internet access in those days). Then, later got to see each other again at a couple of other 4-H shows. They later got married, had two daughter and their son, Ethan.

George said his experiences with 4-H have included learning to sew and speaking events. He says he enjoys dairy, as cattle is his area of interest. 4-H has garnered introduction to a lot of people, including the county judge.

Author: KSST Contributor

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