Hopkins Rains Retired School Personnel will meet Tuesday, April 12 for the Program Maisey Bass and the Orphan Train Movement

Hopkins-Rains Retired School Personnel

will meet Tuesday, April 12 at 10:00 am

Location: The ROC, 115 Putman St., Sulphur Springs

All retired school employees in the area are invited & encouraged to attend.

PROGRAM: “Maisey” Bass & the Orphan Train Movement

Presenter: Gail Garmon

Gail Garmon, a retired teacher, will portray Marietta Lowry Bass, nicknamed “Maisey.”

She was an amazing woman!

From 1918 to 1933, Mrs. Bass served as the southwestern field agent for the New York Children’s Aid Society.
In addition, she served as an agent for Texas orphanages. She traveled across the Midwest,
finding homes for underprivileged children. This work became known as the Orphan Train Movement.

Join us as we step back in history to learn about the children and families who were part of the Orphan Train Movement and it’s connection to our area!

Maisey Bass and the Orphan Train Movement Gail Garmon Hopkins Rains Retired School Personnel
Maisey Bass and the Orphan Train Movement Gail Garmon Hopkins Rains Retired School Personnel

Author: Matt Janson

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