Students Can Earn Funds for School Events in Contest

PARIS – High School seniors in TxDOT’s nine-county Paris District can earn some extra dollars for their Project Celebration events by participating in a fun video contest that highlights safe driving.

Students work in teams to write, shoot and produce a short video Public Service Announcement (PSA) that emphasizes the dangers teen drivers sometimes face, such as distracted driving, speeding, not wearing seat belts, or driving under the influence. In doing so, they earn a mini-grant from TxDOT to spend on their celebrations.

“The 1st Place team in our area contest will win $2,000, the 2nd Place team will win $1,500, and the 3rd Place team will win $1,000 for their events,” said Monica Yates, TxDOT Traffic Safety Specialist based in Paris. “Teams who participate but don’t place will be awarded $750. We also have mini-grants available for schools that need help funding their Project Celebration events but don’t want to participate in the PSA contest.”

The main focus of video PSA submissions for 2021 should be driving while impaired, Yates said.

Important dates for participants this year include: Nov. 1, contest kickoff; Dec. 17, submissions due. Local winners will be announced in mid-January, Yates said, and will advance to the statewide contest. Statewide winners will be announced Jan. 31, 2022.

Project Celebration events are conducted by educators, parents and community partners to help keep students safe and alcohol-free throughout the school year, especially during school-related celebrations. The activities provide students ongoing education on the dangers of impaired driving, with concentrated education scheduled around events such as spring break, prom or graduation.

The rules of the PSA contest are simple and easy to follow, but contest entries are due in mid-December, Yates said.

Those who want to learn more about Project Celebration and the video PSA contest should contact Yates at (903) 737-9292 or [email protected]. More information on Project Celebration is available online at, keywords Project Celebration.


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Author: Matt Janson

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