Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Schedule of Programs at Cooper Lake State Park for May, 2015

cooper schFor the past 2 ½ years the question we have often heard has been, “How low is the lake now?” Along with farmers and home owners we have been subject to the lack of rainfall and run-off from our watershed. At its’ worst, Cooper Lake was 13 ½ feet low and there didn’t seem to be any relief in sight. People were saying, “We will never see the lake full again.” Then the rains of 2015 came! One inch here, an inch and a half there and so on it came. On April 25th Cooper Lake reached “conservation pool level” once again. The lake was finally FULL. Now the questions that we hear are “How full is it?” and “Where are the fish?” The waters came and so have the people anxious to enjoy the swim beach once again. Others are excited to once again be able to get their boat in the water to enjoy recreational boating or fishing! Whether this is the end of the drought or simply a respite in the cycle we are thankful and excited to see people returning to the State Park to enjoy the lake as well as the beautiful scenery of the park!


We have a number of programs planned for the month of May starting with the Guided Canoeing Tours and Dutch oven cooking, as well as a couple of new programs that we would like to invite you to attend. The two new programs are the NASP Archery program on the 16th of May and the Photo Hike on the 23rd of May. The archery program will be taught by certified NASP (National Archery in the Schools Program) instructors and will be open to ages 8 through adult. You can call the park office at (903) 945-5256 to reserve a spot. Because of the limited number of bows and targets we will limit the number of participants to 15. The other new program will be the Photo Hike with Cindy Roller, who has worked in media for a number of years and has an extensive background in photography. She will start by giving us some universal tips on how to take great nature photos. No matter what type of camera/smart phone you use she will help you get to know your camera and how to get the most out of the shots you take. Following the talk, we will hike the trail and practice what we have learned.  If you like to take or want to learn to take good nature pictures this is the program for you. Please do not bring pets along for this program.


You may also notice that two of the programs this month will be held across the lake at the Doctor’s Creek Unit. We will be doing this on an ongoing basis so be sure to take note of where the program is being held before you come.

We hope that you will take time to come out and visit us at Cooper Lake State Park and to enjoy the best that nature has to offer! If you would like for us to present a program for your group  at the park or at your location. Contact us at the park at (903) 945-5256 and let us share with you what we have to offer.




Jim Beach

State Park Peace Officer/Interpretive Guide

Cooper Lake SP/South Sulphur Unit

Sulphur Springs, Tx

(903) 945-5256

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