Hopkins County Constables’ Fees To Increase in 2022

Those individuals required to pay fees in 2022 to the two Hopkins County constables’ offices will be paying a little bit more moving forward. The Hopkins County Commissioners Court Monday approved increases to constables fees.

Precinct 1 Constable Norman Colyer asked the Commissioners Court Monday to approve increases in their fees, which have not changed much in several years. Citations went up about four years ago, but not by much.

“I looked at all the surrounding counties out for a ways comparable size to us, smaller, bigger, and we are still probably a little bit cheaper on a lot of stuff than they are. That would put us more in line with other counties around us as far as the fees,” Colyer said.

Colyer recommended increasing the fee charged on citations, which both constables offices do the most of, by $10, raising it to $75. He also recommended increasing the fee charged for writs of possessions so that the fees are more in line with those charged by other agencies around the region.

As a comparison, Precinct 2 Constable John Beadle noted that Dallas charges about $170 , Rains County $200, and the other area counties charge between $150-$175 for writs of possession. Hopkins County is at $75. Thus, the constables recommended increasing the writ fee to $100.

Precinct 3 Commissioner Wade Bartley and Precinct 2 Commission Greg Anglin proposed approving the constables’ fees and sheriff’s fees as requested by Colyer and Beadle; the motion receive unanimous approval of the court.

Constable Norman Colyer and Constable John Beadle

Author: KSST Contributor

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