Meal-a-Day Needs Fill-In Drivers for Summer!

Print allfrom Karon Weatherman – It is Summer Time and my Meal A Day Volunteers go on Vacations to Visit Family.  I am looking for some Back Up Drivers and Cooks for the Summer.    You would only have to drive ever once in a while and Cook when we need you.   If I have back up drivers and cooks then my regular volunteers will not have to drive or cook twice in one week.

If you think that delivering meals would be just jumping in and out of a car on a hot or cold day….now is your chance to find out that it is not.  Delivering Meal A Day food to shut ins is so much more fun and rewarding than you could ever imagine.  Senior Citizens just light up when you go to their door.  You might be the only person that they see all day.  They will touch you with their smiles of appreciation.  You are there to make a difference in their lives, but they end up touching yours more.  It will give you a warm fuzzy feeling to know that you have made their day and that you have let them remain independent and in their homes a little longer. 

If you would like to volunteer for Meal A Day we are looking for drivers and Cooks for Monday – Friday.
Please open your hearts and help us help others.  Contact Karon Weatherman at (903) 885-1661 or (903) 243-3255. 

Karon Weatherman
Program and Marketing Director
Senior Citizen’s Center150 Martin Luther King Blvd
Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482
(903) 885-1661
Meal-a-Day Cooks prepare the foods weekdays and drivers deliver the meals to shut-in Seniors

Author: Enola Gay

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