John Little of Sulphur Springs, RSVP Volunteer of the Year

John Little, Meal A Day and Senior Citizen Center Volunteer was awarded the “2020 Volunteer of the Year” for his tireless work as a volunteer in Hopkins County.  John Little teaches the “Fit and Strong Class” at the Senior Citizens Center 3 Days a week and he and wife Mary Ellen also deliver Meals for Meal A Day every Friday.   Additionally, John volunteers at the First United Methodist Church as a Sunday School Teacher and a Vacation Bible School Teacher.  “He is an awesome person and is loved by everyone who knows him”, stated Karon Weatherman, who heads up the Seniors Center and Meal a Day in Sulphur Springs and Hopkins County and works with the couple on a regular basis. The recognition came through the multi-county Retired Senior Volunteer Program.

Author: Enola Gay

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