Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Tira News — May 19, 2021: Peerless Baptist Church to Have Fish Fry Fundraiser

By Jan Vaughn

Laurie Kerby shared that the Peerless Baptist Church is having a fish fry on Saturday, May 22 at 5 P.M., followed by an auction at 6:30 P.M. in their fellowship hall.

The meal will include fried fish, coleslaw, hush puppies, dessert and more for donations only. Take out plates are also available.

Tira city limit sign

This fundraiser is for the youth at Peerless Baptist Church and goes towards camps this summer.

If you see this in time, please consider participating and helping out their youth. I’m sure they would welcome donations at a later date, too.

Dacy Weir Campbell visited Robert and Yvonne Weir on Friday and celebrated Mother’s Day late.

Dacy and Yvonne went to Justa’s Barn and shopped and then to Roma’s Italian Restaurant with Robert and Wes. Dustin, Everly, and Maria Weir visited them on Sunday.

Yvonne adds, “We had 3 inches of rain Sunday before dark.”

Since that time Tira has received several more inches of rain.

The Aiguier Cemetery Association plans to have their annual meeting outside on the cemetery grounds on Sunday, June 6 th . Bring a covered dish to share for lunch at noon, and then a brief business meeting will follow.

Donations for the upkeep of the cemetery are always needed and appreciated.

Contributions may be given that day or mailed to the Aiguier Cemetery Association, c/o Peggy Beck, 332 CR 3620, Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482

I always need and appreciate input from my friends to help keep me informed of news in our community.

If you have any news pertaining to Tira residents, past or present, please contact me, Jan Vaughn, at 903-438-6688 or [email protected]

Tira Community Center

Author: Ross LaBenske

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