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With Weather Quickly Reaching Winter Temperatures, Take Advantage of the Few Warm Days Left by Mario Villarino

Developed by Dr. Mario A. Villarino, County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources Hopkins County, Texas


You probably have lived it also: by the time you get ready for the winter the winter is already here! With our weather already reaching winter-like temperatures, might as well take advantage of the few warm days left during our short-lived autumn to get ready for the winter.

Here the Texas A&M Agrilife Extension recommendations for the garden in November-December: Place orders for seeds this month so you will have them available when you are ready to plant. By ordering early, you will be more certain of getting the varieties you want. In addition to ordering seeds that you are already familiar with, try a few new kinds each year to broaden your garden contents.

Do not get in a hurry to prune woody plants. Late December through February is usually the best time to prune them.

Reduce the fertilization of indoor plants from late October to mid-March. An exception would be plants in an atrium or a well-lighted window.

Drain gasoline from power tools and run the engine until fuel in the carburetor is used up. Drain and store garden hoses and watering equipment in a readily accessible location. The lawn and plants may need water during a prolonged dry spell.

November through February is a good time to plant trees and shrubs. In the Panhandle, planting is often delayed until February or early March. Continue to set out cool-season bedding plants, such as pansies, violas, stock, snapdragons, and dianthus.

Prepare beds and individual holes for rose planting in January and February. Use composted manure, pine bark, and similar materials mixed with existing soil.

Use good pruning practices when selecting Christmas greenery from landscape plants. Do not destroy the natural form and beauty of the plant.

Protect your lawn from excessive winter damage by providing irrigation during dry periods. Plant spring-flowering bulbs if you have not already done so. Be sure to refrigerate tulips and hyacinths for 6-8 weeks prior to planting.

Prolong the life of holiday-season gift plants by providing proper care. Check to see if the pot wrap has plugged up the bottom drainage. Do not overwater. Keep out of drafts from heating vents and opening doorways. Fertilizer is seldom needed the first few months.

Take advantage of good weather to prepare garden beds for spring planting. Work in any needed organic matter, and have beds ready to plant when needed. Do not forget tulip and hyacinth bulbs in the refrigerator. They can be planted any time in December if they have received 60 or more days of chilling.

Want to start cuttings of your favorite Christmas cactus? As soon as it has finished blooming, select a cutting with 4 or 5 joints, break or cut it off, and insert the basal end into a pot of moderately moist soil. Place it on a windowsill or other brightly lit area. The cuttings should be rooted within 3 to 4 weeks.

Do not spare the pruning shears when transplanting bare-rooted woody plants. Cut the tops back at least one-third to one-half, to compensate for the roots lost when digging the plant.

Take advantage of bad weather and holiday time to study seed and nursery catalogues as well as good gardening books.

Berrying plants, such as holly and yaupon, may be pruned now while they can be enjoyed as cut material inside the house.

For more information on this or any other agricultural topic please call the Hopkins County Extension Office in Hopkins County by calling 903-885-3443 or email me at [email protected].

Mario Villarino DVM, Ph.D.
Hopkins County Extension
Agent for Ag and NR
1200B Houston Street
Sulphur Springs, Texas
75482 903-885-3443

Author: Ross LaBenske

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